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Posts posted by PENEJANE

  1. Well Maxy so far so good. None have died and I did a pH test today and its still fine. I have been watching my two biggest girls and boy they look fatter than I do :o I so hope that all goes well.

    Hope your tank is going good also.

    BTW I brought my tank from East Rd Pets also :D

  2. Thanks for the welcome Shelly

    I have tried to take some pictures of my fish but they seem to always swim to the opposite corner of the tank and hide behind the filter tubes lol So when we get the computer net work up and going again I can upload my pictures and see how they have turned out. If any of them are worth looking at I will see about posting them up on here so you can see my little family.

    I don't have any albino guppies or anything like that yet. I have seen some very beautiful images of albino guppies and wouldn't mind having a couple eventually but being in invercargill and all we only got a couple of fish shops about and that means limited selection of fish.

    Once again thanks :D

  3. Thanks a heap for that critter guy. Here I was thinking that when I did want to breed and keep the fry that I would have to go out and buy another tank setup :-? I may not save all of them but when I get a breeding net I am glad to hear that I can scoop up what I can and use that to hold the babies :D


  4. congratulations on your new babies. :D

    I hope to have some babie guppies soonish (not to sure when they are due to drop). I ain't to fussed with my first lot about saving them as I am still trying to get my head around the excitment of actualy owning a tropical tank :P

  5. I know your going to laugh at this but I only have the one tank and I don't have anything else to put them into. I got a 90ltr tank. Would that be big enough to hold a breeding trap to just put the babies in till big enough?? I hear that they are not good for the mums to go into so if I am to see any babies would this be an easier option for me?

  6. with baby guppies how can you be sure that the filter won't harm them if they get sucked up?

    I have a tornado PF-603 and in it is a black sponge looking thing. Not the usual white fluffy stuff with carbon on top or what ever.

    Is this filter still ok and how can I check it if any baby guppies are to be inside?


  7. ummm heres another question. When a female guppy is close to dropping her fry will she more than likely run away and find a quiet spot to do so? I have a large ornament rock with a cave like hole in it and I have noticed (only with in the last 30 mins) that she is in there and pops her head out now and then but back ups and goes back in. Once again all the other guppies seem fine.

    Just curious thats all as if she is about to drop then I would like to keep an eye on her.

    Thanks again :D

  8. Thanks a heap pegasus.

    When I turned the light off last night he came out of the corner and when I checked about 30 mins later he was back in there but this morning he was swimming about with the other fish again and happly eating also. I will be keeping an eye out on the little guy but I do understand that some times fish just don't like to travel (so my husband said).

    All the other fish seem absolutly fine. When your sitting there watching them they will come up to the glass and then swim away again and keep on comming back. Almost like they are playing 'Peek A Boo'. I also have two small kids and I was wondering with them jumping about at times around the house could cause a bit of an upset to some fish.

    At present time I am not interested in doing a community tank as I would really like to just stick with guppies. Maybe eventually I might get a couple more females and a different coloured male and see what sort of coloured fry I come up with but in general at the moment I want to make it through the first month with all my 6 fish :D

    Thanks again for the info tho guys.

  9. Hey there Maxy. Glad to see someone close by to comunicate with and now and then shead a tear with when things go wrong.

    Origionaly my husband and I are from Hamilton and moved down here almost 2 yrs ago. I have to say its the best thing we have ever done. I totaly love invercargill and the fact that everything is close by. Big city (dunners) only a couple hrs drive and same with queenstown for the snow and then riverton for the beaches. Its totaly awesome. Would be nice to meet up one day.

    If you don't mind me asking how old are you :D I am 25 with two girls (4 and 2) and currently pregnant (6 weeks to go) with my lucky last :D

  10. Thanks everyone. So far all I have got in my tank is 6 guppies (4 F and 2 M).

    They get fed morning and night on flakes. At the moment I am just trying my best to keep the ones I got alive even tho my females are all pregnant :o lol

    I just thought that being new to this whole thing it would be great to be involved in such forums. Loads of info everywhere.


  11. Thanks Shae.

    As you can guess all my questions will be about guppies untill I look into adding any other different fish. But at this stage I don't want any other fish. Guppies are awesome to watch and their tails are always moving and shimering with different colours.

  12. LOL thanks Phillz

    I can remember when I was a little girl we used to go down to the lake and I was told from my mother that the little fish we saw in the water was guppies. They weren't anything like these fancy guppies and lived in cold water same as goldfish.

    I have always liked going into the pet store and apart from the kittens and puppies I would spend ages looking and watching the fish and all the different varieties of fish about but what always caught my eye was the tropical guppies. Reason being for this is the so many different vibrant colours you can get them in. I admit that my black tux guppies ain't much to look at but they still look awesome.

    Thanks for the welcome Phillz :D

  13. glad to know that you think I am doing things right. I am guessing tho that you are right with the fact that this one may be an accecption from the rest as the others seem to be doing fine. But I guess in a weeks time things will tell me if its right or not lol. There are a couple of other questions I will ask to but I will leave them for tomorrow or the next day.

    Thanks so much for your time and info. :)

  14. I was told from a pet shop and a couple of other people that have/had tanks that you set your tank up with all the stones,plants, filter, heater and what not and turn it all on and let it cycle for 3 days. I started cycling the tank on Monday and added plants on tuesday and didn't add my fish till friday. Was this to quick? I done a pH test when the tank was first filled which was 7.0-7.5 and again thursday afternoon which was the same. Temp is at 24-25C.

    I sooo hope that I haven't done it wrong and that I am giving my fish a death sentence :cry: All the other fish are swimming about fine and happy. They seem relaxed and all and just travel about the tank together. Its just this one male. I was told that the general rule of thumb was a 3 day cycle.

    **getting worried now being new to all this**

  15. ummm sorry to be a pest and all but I got another question if anyone can help me. One of my male guppies seems to have pulled away from the group and is now hiding out on the bottom of the tank hiding under my filter. Is he ok or is this a sign of stress or is it just that hes found a good resting spot?

    When I fed them last he was up and eating with the other guppies and I not long ago turned the light off to let them all rest and he came out from his spot but I have noticed that he has gone back there again.

    I hope that the wee guy is ok.

  16. thanks for that livebearer breeder. As I said I have done a lot of searching about and they say a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio is always a good combo. My tank isn't exactly big nor is it small (90ltrs or 23 gallons) and I have got live plants in there at the moment. I will eventualy look into getting some fake plants maybe as you can get them in varied sizes with out having to wait for your live plants to grow. It would be nice to see a few now and again survive but at the moment I am more worried about keeping the ones I currently go alive :P

    Thanks again for your info and eventually I will look into posting up a picture of them if I can get them to stay still long enough. hehehehehe

  17. I got my first lot of tropical fish today and I have looked for them on the net and all that I can come up with is the Black Tux Guppy. Does anyone else have this kind?

    I would also like to know how big does the spot get on the female when pregnant? I got 4 females and 2 males and from what I have read at other sites and at this one is that they are more than likely pregnant. Seems as this is my first ever tank and all I am not to worried about keeping the fry or doing any special care like seperating the pregnant ones out as I only have the one tank lol. What I would like to know tho is how can you tell how far along they are or when are they due to drop. I know its anything from 4-5 weeks but as I just got these today I have no idea how far along they currently are.

    Fingers crossed that they are still alive tomorrow morning :D

  18. critter guy thanks for the welcome. Unfortunatly our computer has just gone through a rebuild so I don't have mIRC loaded/installed at the moment but if you can tell me what server its on and what the room is called I will do my best to try and make it there one night :D Hopefully things will get sorted over the weekend.

    Cheers and thanks again for the welcome

  19. Hi there everyone. I have been getting a lot of information from this site and have found that its a really great place to hear other peoples views on the same subject.

    I set up my first ever tropical tank over the easter break and added my first lot of fish (black tux guppy) today. I have been searching the net and checking out sites from all over the place on caring for guppies and have noticed that there is a lot of very beautiful colours available.

    I have got a 90ltr (23gallon) tank 60cmW 50cmH and 30cmD.

    pH around 7.0-7.5 and themp of 24-25C.

    It hasn't been 24 hrs yet and I can't stop watching them. I have noticed that the 4 females are possibly pregnant and can't wait to see if I manage to keep any fry.

    Thanks for your time and look forward to meeting some of you real soon. :)

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