Hi guys. I am hoping i may be able to pop in quickly tomorrow?
Something for you all to think about and discuss is all the fish books and info etc i have had sitting in my bookshelves. I have always thought of the books as being Totally Tanked property (except a couple of my favourite books) I am having a huge clean out (again :roll: ) And would like to put it to TT and FNZAS about adding the books etc to the FNZAS library and thus rehoming them?
I would post a photo but...
1. My phone will not co-operate
2. my camera battery is flat...AND i just blew up the charger for it
3. my usb web cam cable is not long enough to reach the next room where all the books are.
4. I haven't yet thought of any other way of getting a photo onto my computer.
Altho as a teaser...there is a lot of books. Takashi amano, axelrod, new and old, specific books about angelfish, bettas and axolotls.
Printed info about angelfish, axolotl, and betta genetics.
One book is a NZ published book about fish keeping. others are old books which are useful for historical, and nostalgic sake. some books are highly specific fish health textbooks, and a few are general fishkeeping books. Also a large pile of Practical fishkeeping magazines. All valuable info which i want to keep in the fishkeepers circle but also allow all members to be able to access.