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Everything posted by Chris
why the need for a skimmer when the tank is already cycled and has been running for ages.Wether your new or old to the game as far as im concerned a cycled and succesful tank is a cycled and successful tank and therefore a skimmer is another expense
im picking its a fish tank if im guessing the tank is in morrinsville which i think it is.as for a skimmer pfft whatever they`re just another expense.look after the batfish that tank should come with he`s had them for a long time.
as I recall Petworld had a marine setup before hopefully the new one is better than that
$5k to set up a tank seems to me anyone that has $5k to set up their first tank has spent too much money.I`ve never heard of spending that much to set up a tank
not sure what he uses in or on his system but if ppl are seriously interested there is a contact # in my first post.I do know however that he has been doing it longer than the current importers in Akl have been doing it combined.When he was in the game he had a lot of really nice stuff and the Bengaii cardinals i got from him a year back are still going.I suppose if your good at something all the techy stuff doesn`t matter.Goldfish ppl who have dealt with him know he doesn`t play around with crap
answer for Ira wouldn`t have a clue and to Alan yes do you know him
yeah yeah i know this isn`t the right place for this but I have it on good authority that there is a Marine quarrantine facility up for sale.The authority being me the facility being a friends.For more info ph him on 0211372298 his name is Shane Paul .Ta bye
hey thanx for that just heard the name somewhere and wondered what they were
Can anyone tell me what a wolf cichlid is or what they`re commonly referred to.Thanks
Lurch if you had of joined about a year ago you could have gone to see Will or Shane @ Goldfish Galore.I think they were in H town or around there they were always pretty helpful and probably had the best marine shop in the Waikato region.They also had their own quarrantine.Unfortunately I think they`ve closed down I think they still import marines though.Could be worth a look if you can track them down
Three shops eh..........probably cos they can`t get rid of them for love or money.Believe me you don`t wanna start with a picasso if you have any intentions of having a community tank.Although nice looking they have a tendency to pick on anything,even bigger fish, and harass the hell out of them.As I said give them a wide berth if looking at a com tank
Whoa steep.Didn`t expect to see it at that price.Doesn`t really matter about the size of it it all depends on the colouration.Juvs have blue and white rings that decrease in size as they near the middle of the fish.Adults have flourescent yellow and blue lines that run horizontally along the fish.They`re usually pretty helpful in Hollywood alright.
May I ask where you saw the emperor and wether it was a juv or an adult.Just curious
Forgive my negativity but man this subject got old a long time ago.However I did stop into Hollywoods yesterday and they had just recieved some new stock in amongst them was a Coral Beauty I didn`t take any notice of the price as the fish I wanted had just exited the building(nice Powder Blue).They informed me that they were expecting some more in the next week or so.BTW there was a shop down Hamilton ways that used to regularly have well priced fish can`t quite remember the name
MMMMMMM quite right Lions cannat be imported into N.Z dunno why though as there are antidotes to their toxins in NZ.Besides they only sting if you annoy the hell out of them.Have heard different ppl saying that they`ve seen them @ the Knights but like everyone else have yet to spy one for myself.The Volitans would easily be my fave
Since their arrival onto the market I have used only Visies and regard them as perhaps the best I`ve used.They also make a stainless model this was great but they recalled them awhile back dunno why.Anyway I would definitely snap that Visi up as quick as possible
Hi Cat I used to have a bank of 6 3fters 2 high 3 wide all ran into 1 trickle.My tanks were drilled at the bottom with pieces of pvc pipe stuck in them.I would suggest this to you but I assume that your tanks are already made making the drilling process a lot harder.My other suggestion would be to do as Pegasus has done and invest in a good quality high output air pump that would run all your u/gs.The power consumption is barely noticeable
Oops sorry aj I wasn`t meaning you I just felt david was attacking pegasus without just cause.Also I meant to say that I bought a ZCanescens 10 months ago and it is still alive.I also totally agree with Caryl.If you can get the same fish cheaper somewhere else then do so no-ones forcing you to buy it.
OK here I am with my two cents worth.Moorish Idols I have found to be easy to medium to handle if you know what to do and what not to.Obviously Jansens charge this price because they have no opposition with said fish .If there is another shop that has then yes I would suggest looking there then.Moorish Idol (zanlus Canescens) Banner fish or poor mans moorish (Heniochus Acuminatus) and yes I still have one and have had this for 10 months now.So much for not getting personal too eh. :-?
Hi Andrew whilst I agree with the fact that such tall tanks are a pain to keep I have seen this done and done quite successfully.However the main difference is that this tank was made of 20 ml glass a friend of mine had it made for him by a guy in Auck and it was for a marine tank.The litreage would be around the 650 mark which would effectively equate to 650 kgs of weight making it quite a hefty tank.What are you going to put into it
Ok all you salties down in the mainland on a flying visit to ChCh I spied myself some marines in a shop called Critter Kingdom or something to that effect.Anyway I wanted to purchase some as they were cheaper than what I could get them for up here but was unable to take them with me as I was driving back to Auckland.But I thought that if I couldn`t have them then someone in this forum might want a look.Better be quick though as I gathered that they were in hot demand.
I`d like to add that this is for a substantial sized tank.I have heard of people spending that much but can tell you from experience that you can get away with spending 25% of that amount and still have a nice looking tank.I`d also like to say that with costing like that people are easily deterred and this is a bad thing for a marine club.
That would depend on the flow rate of the submersible pump you have at the bottom in the filter box but thats not to say that your fluval couldn`t handle the job
As an add on to my last post I would suggest an overflow filtration system as it is far more efficient and effective than a Fluval 404 being that the water turn over rate would be higher eliminating the need for a skimmer