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Everything posted by rnbo

  1. They're hanging together by a few threads...was worried about using filter wool as it seems to clog quite quickly, however I won't have much choice soon. Cheers
  2. Mine seem to be past their useby, does anyone know where I can buy replacement filter mats in Auckland??
  3. Fluoride is added to most Auckland water...not sure about peeps supplied from onehunga, there was a "thing" about that a year or two ago. Water chlorinated also...
  4. rnbo

    Acid shift in pH

    duh....referring to shell being calcium carbonate...don't get your point alanmin...surely I need to increase hardness with the very soft auckland water I've got which has no buffering capacity. If I don't do it with shell then have to add expensive salts from lfs
  5. rnbo

    Acid shift in pH

    Bird grit is usually ground up shell...
  6. rnbo

    Acid shift in pH

    Sounds like I need to get me some grit!! :lol: Thx for the help
  7. rnbo

    Acid shift in pH

    No The water is not brown tinged...woods have been in the tank as long as I have had it...3yrs I guess th bn's will expose new wood all the time but don't think this is it! Does anyone know what Auckland's water is like??
  8. rnbo

    Acid shift in pH

    Eheim 2213, 2 angels, 10 cherry barbs, 2 yo yo loaches, 4 bn. Planted tank w substrate for plants gravel overtop, 3 small driftwoods and couple small caves. No CO2, small amount of air. If it was a kH problem why haven't i had it before.... Auckland water quality is pretty much the same isn't it? Also the same in other 3 tanks... Yoyo's are a pretty reliable sign of stress as their colours go really pale... afta pH adjusted colour comes back pretty quickly and fish look much happier haven't noticed any problems with fish afta adjusting pH shift...they settle right on down and stop stress behaviour. Only difference that I can think of have feed Nova tabs instead of shrimp pellets....
  9. I have a 120L tropical. Has been set up for a long time and this week noticed that the fish were looking stressed and the pH was reading 6! Did a water change and had to adjust pH back to 7ish. A couple of days later pH was again 6. Again adjusted. Other water params fine. Any thoughts on what's happening here??
  10. Yeah I have a couple of Eheims which are brilliant! Bought this other "thing" off trademe...a real dud buy :evil: . At present trying to get money back from seller for misrepresenting his product and hoping to get in touch with other buyers of "it". If anyone sees one of these don't buy it!!
  11. Has anyone got one of these autofeeders and used it with any success?? I would be interested in hearing your views.
  12. rnbo

    Eww...my riccia

    Thx Caryl...only thing different was much reduced feeding of flake via Eheim auto feeder (probably not many shrimp pellets or pleco chips droppedin usually feed 8 bristles and 2yoyo loaches 6shrimp and 4 pleco chips)...fish and rest of aquarium fine and they were jolly pleased to see me though!! Do you think that the riccia can be saved with a good wash with tap water??
  13. Been away for 10 days and... Is this cyano?? Is only in the Riccia on the surface of the tank, can the poor riccia be redeemed or is it a dump job??
  14. Yes I bought some riccia about a month ago, good lighting seems to be the defining detail whether it does well or not. One aquarium with good lighting now has riccia to be culled...the other aquarium not lit for plants...gouramis (pigs) ate it all in a week! Burp! Have updated the lighting so will see if the pigs can keep up with the riccia :lol: Haven't had a great deal of success with tying it onto things for aquascaping...seems to break up and float up to the top, will have to try a smaller mesh.
  15. Mine are looking good so far...but might be early days yet (only 5 days). About how long had you had them before you noticed them swimming strangely?
  16. Hmmm I just got some tonite , have sent you a pm farmchick. Will keep an eye on dem.
  17. Some on trademe at mo.... http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... d=75413737
  18. rnbo

    Help! Wot am I??

    Yes Dasher got the moss from Hollywoods...and when I was there earlier today apparently other peeps have had killi babes too. I'm going to wait for this lil one to get abit bigger (that wont be long the thing eats like a pig) then I will see if I can get some others. They are way cool.
  19. Well dont get a fluval it will be worse!
  20. Here's my 10cents worth.... I have Eheim classic 2213 and Fluval 204 (both bought second hand from Trademe), I much prefer the Eheim for maintanence and restarting after maintenence. The Fluval is a pain to restart (have to suck on the uptake and end up with water everywhere if not well prepared)(if anyone has a better way of restarting the fluval Please let me know) and the impeller doesnt come out that easily for cleaning. Also seems to gunge up quicker than the Eheim meaning more maintenence....more sucking...more water everywhere....
  21. rnbo

    Help! Wot am I??

    Thanks Shae, I know nothing about killies so will have to do some research. How long do these Golden Wonders live? And would it be easy to get some friends for it? I really like it and its nice to have something that hangs out at the top cheers Shannon
  22. Have an unknown new baby fish, after the addition of some Java fern and Java moss....different sources. Here are some pics, not great but its a fast lil ****. (hope I got the pic posting rite :oops: ) Is most definitely a top dwella and seems to eat flake and have seen it eat a bloodworm. Any ideas?....will it be happy on its own? Or will it need some mates? Is in with some dwarf neon rnbo's, blue rams and gba's at mo....
  23. Well I'm embarrassed :oops: to admit there was a ball of crud at the intake, couldnt see it till I took it all apart. Clean now and water shooting out of the spray bar... Yet another learning experience. Thanks for all your thoughts
  24. Hi Ira, All cleaned, sponges rinsed clean, top filter rinsed clean, media given a good swish in tank water. Sponges and topfilter fairly new....no kinks in hoses, no air locks...still low output :-? hence the thought about the impeller
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