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new zealand discus man

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Posts posted by new zealand discus man

  1. :hail: from new zealand discus man..

    re filters..work out the base size of tank X 45mm gravel or sand = billions of area for bactrica to live..take huge external filter to equal.

    activate with stresszyme.

    tank size 1100x500widex450 high.

    crc cap full of bactrica and in go fish.

    2 days later 1/2 cap full and rearly do we get nitrite..

    good idea to save loot on power filters and buy more fish..

    what happened before they were imported or invented

    ..cheers phill :P

  2. :hail: from new zealand discus

    fish room is 3/4 of total span shed 108 sq meters..

    air con set at 30 c heats room top tanks 32c bottom 28c..even with 1.2 m roof fan heat still goes up..

    we have 4 huge sky lights..all natural light..multi layers of glass house film under fibreglass roofing..even layers of bubble wrap to help with heat loss.

    all have gaps between so like 6 layers...

    dont use heat in day and actually doors open all day except for the really cold ones..so far in 12 months only kept shut 3 or 4 times..and sun will increase temp even with door open but very high humity if we dont open up..

    to power cords..i have a customer who fell over cord crashed into tank..

    yes very badly cut..

    simple is my key word

    :P cheers phill ya all come come visit..

  3. :hail: from new zealand discus man..

    to under gravel filters..i said river sand..sand averages 1 to 3mm..nylon pad is on top of filter.. just use stick to move around and ensure no caking, very few months.

    no food enters sand nor dropings..just net off surface..

    ok power filters ok for 1 or 2 tanks..

    but also food fines will get drawn in an stay till rot..not good..

    even flake floats and get sucked in..

    also to the more power cords the more likely you get electric shock..

    nz fish keepers have died in fish rooms..lights,heaters, filters..all dont mix well with water..

    we have a power point runs air con.and one runs pressure pump..thats it..

    :D cheers phill..good fish keeping..

  4. :hail: from new zealand discus man,,

    no virus.. not treatable..

    TB in fish is a problem but only affects a few..virus can kill and us..look at bird flu..

    bactrica is a problem and in discus we can stop it dead..but most other fish will die with what we do..but not discus..

    dont forget..DISCUS are the king of fish..

    cheers phill collis :P

  5. :hail: from newzealand discus man..

    sounds like i must be old in my thinking or somethings wrong with my fish room..

    124 tanks from 180 to 300 liters..av about 250

    not a power point or heaters..

    only big air con unit and all tanks have under gravel filters air opperated..

    just discus and use pumis river sand..

    using stresszyem bactrica and have new tank ready in 3 days for new tenants..

    rearly nitrite .rain ..used mostly..

    u/g filters will have billions on bactrica ..need huge power filter to equal..

    power bill..av $300 to heat and run pumps..

    room some will have 150 tanks and actually the heat will be cheeper..

    water dont get cold...AIR is the problem..

    hope views held..remeber advise is free..we just charge for good discus..

    cheers phill

  6. :hail: from new zealand discus man

    i saw them ..even thought about posting my views..

    might have got banned....


    but i dont see any reason to pay that much for so called wild discus..or babies.

    i could say all my 1000 + discus are from the amazon and would be telling the truth...parents just about 60 years ago... :P

    but i guess thats life.. cheers phill

    ps visit my web via the live banners on FNZAS..

  7. :hail: from new zealand discus man..

    good to see imput about us..

    we have live banners on FNZAS that lead to prices and freight estimates..

    yes we offer discus via Trade Me ..and FNZAS ..good way to get known..

    check out now..

    even says.. new zealand discus offering..then discus type,,

    there key words to my web site..

    we have full page adds in mag that goes to all clubs..


    cheers good discus keeping...ps dont charge gst or for free advise at present..

    cheers phill

  8. :hail: from new zealand discus

    Phill Collis..

    i built and sold Burbank GoldFish Farm last year..ran it for 20 years..

    yes we did have quarantined breeders and 4 years was time. then stoped.

    there has and as i understand will never be imports again..

    MAF stated ..they could carry virus unknown and harmfull to man..

    try getting past that..!! :evil:

    we tried for like 10 years even with the origial PIJAC..

    just a waste of time..but if any wants MAF to confirm..

    mail to ..good guy who looks after our discus imports..

    [email protected]

    goldfish carry the worst bugs and maf knows it..

    discus are a peice of cake when it comes to keeping them alive.. :lol:

    cant say that about goldfish..!!!

    cheers phill collis

    new zealand discus

  9. :hail: from new zealand discus man..

    insulation even on part lid/ends/back will cut power...!!!

    25mm poly is what we had on house tank and power was not noticeable..

    we have 80 tanks going and no power use even at night because of insulation,including 4 huge sky lights..with insulation.

    2 layers of plastic glass house film and 3 layers of packaging bubble rap.

    air con set on 26 c and is not room dropping below 28 c..

    area is 75 sq meters with high open portal roof,

    web photos show tanks 3 high..

    we have no lights or tank heaters..to dangerous..

    were are filling 12 more this week and 24 more within a month..

    power in winter is $250 month for all this..when air space is replaced by water power will drop again..

    insulate tanks with poly ,,all area's you dont see..hope helps..cheers phill collis

  10. :hail: from new zealand discus man..

    luke is right on the button..metronizole is also flygal..

    vets will supply..400mg to 40 liters..it is unknown the life in water so best is 50% water change 3rd day and retreat..rub pills untill disolved in water..dont just chuck in..

    i have seen protozon disapear over night from dropings..

    a good microscope is a must..you can see most bugs in dropings and on fins of even live fish..look at tail .usually clear fins and parasites can be seen..

    most fish have gut protozon and the most common is heximita..!!!

    angels are the carrier.the old school fishie people never kept dicsus and angels together..

    dead fish will usually have bloated gut..thats hex...

    if dark stain or green stain thats bactrica and the antibotic is needed..

    all fish have bugs.

    we have been in fish for 30 years and knowning the parasites is the key to breeding..if a fish is acting strange out of batch thens the time to get microscope out and do checks.

    cheers phill collis check out my banners..

  11. :hail: from new zealand discus man..

    Hi..yes we had the first true aquaruim manufacturing factory in ak..over 100 tanks a week up to 6 foot..but even back then one major shop would only buy if his police man tank maker part time could not supply..but we did them for 8 years..

    very hard to be serious when thats the way wholsalers are treated..

    we sold the tank business when our goldfish farm was up and making $$$.

    within 3 months they closed down..

    we now have a part time guy thats makes ours and can make to order..

    like i said prices can be better than buying glass and already made..

    we have just started a direct marketing programe to push discus and may even stock some tanks for sale..

    teaching tank making..common sence if the main factor..

    i did post engineers comments about glass and tank heights..cheers to all

    phill collis

  12. :hail: from new zealand discus man..

    heat room.. with big air con unit..see our banner and go to web see some photos..more to follow..tanks will be about 140 when finished..

    you cannot put heaters in these tanks unless you own you own power station..

    air con is 3kw power used for 6.5kw of heat.on controler.set at 30c and only used at night in summer..when all tanks are in heat cost will be great reduced..to much air at the moment..cheers phill collis

  13. :hail: from new zealand discus man

    to tanks..do you think we buy from shops when we get like 24 tanks per order..size of this batch 1100x500x450 high 6mm f/back. 10 or mm bases..lids and poly included..

    you get prices and then ask us..!!

    we now have 80 discus tanks ..180 to 300 liters and most are the bigger sizes..we were buying glass and my maker is cheaper than the glass purchases..delivered made to us..cheers phill collis

  14. :hail: from new zealand discus man.

    hi ..to fins ..anyone got a correct location..??

    to tanks..we are currently getting tanks made for discus and stock room.this order is 24 tanks 1.100 x 500 x 450 high.

    already had others made..

    there are other tank makers that we have had trouble with the glue being able to pick of inside and out but finger nail,have claim in to have replaced.

    beware that many are so called tank makers,and not all rtv glues used are suitable for tanks..very easy to buy glass and glue ,your in business..but do you really know what your doing..

    thats been the attude with the tanks for 20 years that i can recall..

    i have posted about tanks and stands before ,and there blow up...!!

    to buying..we can take orders for our man..could be collected from us..

    im not going to say who..simple we have like 50 + tanks to come yet..

    he can only make so many but could fit others in to our schedule..

    there used to be Aeon.decor..still in yellow page..ph.5790491

    see if still making stands..they used to make for us..cheers phill collis

  15. :hail: from new zealand discus man.

    any fish thats not a true air breather would make me worry about the oxygen levels in tank..i talked about algae on forum..

    same rules..many forms of algae and i believe many plants can actually consume oxygen .

    usually happens at night in big out door ponds so i cant see why aquariums would be any diff..surface layering caused by still conditions also causes this effect..

    air in filters that has large bubbles is very hard to actually get into water..

    we see lots of bubbles and think great ..plenty but most is going straight up and out..

    i also feel that power filters at discharge under water and with out air in system to would make me worry..it will move around the surface but not break it..many small bugs do walk on water...and off course to many fishies....!!!.

    my views are based on problems that came along over 30 years of fishies..

    cheers phill collis

  16. :hail: from new zealand discus man.

    when we owned our goldfish farm..we used to sell along with the oxy weed..

    they are a big mistake..carry a form of protozone like white spot,,!!!!!..

    we have collected our self and same results..

    they are in many nz nth island lakes that have trout..thats most likely where protozone came from..

    we stopped selling like 10 years ago..

    i think most wholesales did to..

    cheers phill collis

  17. :hail: from new zealand discus man

    true that plants will use up food for algae..but it usually takes a very heavy planted tank..years ago many fishie people only used plants and no other filters,or aids. some algaes will even live through some algae killers.

    the coton wool type algae will grow at such a rate that they need to be stoped.it is said aglae makes oxygen in day but consumes at night..

    also water layering is also dangerous as oxygen will not get in to depth.

    algae will make water layering more of a problem in out door ponds.

    simple brown is usually also grown in low light. plec we use for this.so algae blocks are for the problem tanks that have to be fixed up..cheer s

    phill collis

  18. :hail: from new zealand discus man.

    to algae..good algae is dead algae...simple. algae blocks killed of cotton wool algae in our discus tanks..it was bad in 20 out of 70+ tanks .all av 250 - 300 liters..big problem..in approx 2 weeks all gone and so far not returned..

    main problem..pack can treat 200 190 liter tanks..the product we could supply to those who want to clean up tanks..but remember algae also helps to pureify water..

    hope spelt right.

    freight is about $6.00 nth island. and about 3 times that to sth island. yes plus gst..blocks

    are $3.00 to treat 190 L cheers phill collis

  19. :hail: who knows what i night import.. but killies are short lived to my grey matter..biggest problem is to off set costs / freight that are extremely high large numbers are required.. last shipment of discus was...

    100 near adults

    150 2.5" mixed

    70 3" mixed.. 30 plec for my tanks..

    15 boxes..370 kg get the picture...total cost $ thousands...

    cheers phill

  20. :evil:

    Hi im not really mr Evil..

    just new zealand discus man ..new topic as requested..but if to many topics how will you all cover any topics..??

    check out www.newzealanddiscus.com --only new to system but getting lost already..!! doing web update shortly and new photos from bangkok discus.

    we also are looking at other fishies by request.. we can import anything legal,anywhere in the world today has airline links direct to auckland..

    your feed back please..cheers phill collis

  21. hi all new zealand discus man here..im phill collis former owner of a goldfish farm for over 20 years..here in new place at red hill papakura..

    specialising in importing breeding discus..my just over 70 tanks 180 to 300 Liter each will soon be 150..

    we have imported years ago and had 400 tanks but many were small and to much work so this time all big..

    solar heaters ,air con,and big sky lights to light and heat..turn a tap and all get water..today dull and over cast cold wind.water from rain water 25000 liter going in tanks at 23 C...for 2 hrs..1/2 Liter minute approx..every day..

    see www.newzealanddiscus.com for photos etc..i can look after all these tanks because all have under gravel filters / nylon wool to stop river sand going through..

    fry dont get lost and easy to net of rubbish..


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