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  1. I'd love a shallow tank with a nice sand bed exclusively for a group of banjo cats
  2. I agree, Geoff. The context definitely has to be taken into consideration.
  3. They are much more relevant if you have a marine aquarium. Most people test for TDS when they're adding freshwater/RO/top-off water into a salt water aquarium (to replace the water that has evaporated) or when mixing new salt water, in which case the lowest TDS possible is desired. Testing the TDS of your aquarium be it marine or freshwater isn't really anything to go by as much as other parameters are. There likely are a few niche purposes for Freshwater aquariums, but as a whole I think it's something most people don't need to bother with. I have about 65 TDS on average, straight from the tap.
  4. Nice. I like the citrinis over the okinawae gobies
  5. Where are Leopard Frog Plecs and Orange Lazer Corys at manggggg
  6. I feel like there's too many variables to map out for those things. In any marine tank I kept I'd be trying to keep the water quality high and stable regardless of stock. Some stock obviously allow for a bit more lenience than others but yeah..
  7. I think the only thing that benefits from 24/7 Light are those algae growing mats. I think even Macroalgae benefits from a rest period. Some do 24/7 with macros, some do the reverse photo period of the display
  8. Looking really good man!
  9. http://parosphromenus-project.org/attac ... uramis.pdf
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