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Everything posted by Russelletino

  1. Russelletino


    I just saw something very wrong in the family aquarium, at first I saw one of the small comet goldfish looking like it had fin rot, then I looked closer and saw some white stuff on the tips of its tail and and some dark spots on its fins and body, the dark spots are a bit harder to see though, I looked at the other fish to see of something was wrong with them and I saw the bronze fantail with white stuff coming out of its right gill and on its right eye, on its fins, around its mouth and a little on its tail. I looked at the other fish and they seem to be fine. The tank is a 55L hexagon tank with 5 goldfish, 1 bronze fantail, 3 comets and 1 calico goldfish, I don't know what's wrong and am very worried. when I saw this, the filter wasn't on but the water was very clear and clean. I turned the filter on and the bronze fantail seemed to be having a difficult time getting away from it, I also noticed that it had trouble keeping up right and swimming, please help Idk what's wrong with them
  2. awesome thanks and so should I just leave the female in there?
  3. huh, that's interesting, thanks for the input
  4. how much java moss do you think I should put in?
  5. i did buy a plant yesterday, from what I've observed, the male doesn't seem to bug her as much now, still a little worried though haha
  6. i just don't want her to get bullied by the male guppy
  7. ohhhhhhh haha makes sense, thanks
  8. So i have this female guppy that i bought, I just found out that she is actually quite pregnant, should i separate her? if i do the water won't be heated, not that what she's in right now is heated anyway but the male keeps trying to mate with her
  9. also would you by any know how much shipping would cost?
  10. Oh wow thanks a lot everyone for making me feel really welcome! I will take as much advice as i can, i'm quite passionate about this hobby so i really wanna do my best haha
  11. Are they really banned? it says so on here but literally every petshop here sells them
  12. So I was reading another post and it said something about guppies and mollies breeding!?!? hahahaha this really caught my attention haha, so out of pure curiosity, can they crossbreed?
  13. Maybe live plants would help? I really don't know and I'm no expert but my guess is that live plants would help clean the water and if you do decide to get them, still another filter haha, best of luck!
  14. Thanks all! and wow I had no idea that O2 was that complicated but thank you, I think I understand it a lot more now
  15. So I live in Christchurch and i have had fish for a few years now, I started with goldfish (this tank is kept in the family room so it's not really mine) which I found was quite boring so recently, I started my very own fish keeping journey! Back when we started the goldfish tank, I knew next to nothing about fish keeping but over the years I have done lots of research on particular fish that I am very fond of, these fish are guppies, white cloud mountain minnows, neon tetras, bettas, and paradise fish. I currently only own a bowl (lol excuse the bowl but I am pretty much in this journey alone with little to no help from my parents so the journey might be a little bit slow, and hey I had to start out from somewhere! I didn't wanna lie and say I have a big tank or anything that isn't true cause I don't think that a foundation of lies would be good if I seek good advice for my needs haha. Currently in my bowl, I have 3 white clouds, 2 guppies, and 3 neon tetras, now I know some of you might already think that this is horrible that I am keeping tropical fish in a non heated bowl and that it is way over stocked but please bare with me cause I do have my reasons haha. So first I decided to get the neons (neons are what started my interest in fish keeping after seeing them in the pet store when I was 12) I bought 2 neons and after one died, I went back and bought two more, it was then after researching more about neons did I realize why one died in the first place, and it of course was of the lack of a heater, I then decided to keep the neons as I didn't know what to do with them and they were definitely not gonna be live bait for the goldfish. I then went and bought a male and a female wild guppy (tepid water guppy) but then soon enough I realized that the female was not actually a wild guppy but a fancy one meaning it also needed a heater, I was very annoyed when I found out about this but thankfully the male wasn't a fancy guppy. Then one day my brother came home and gave me his white cloud minnows cause he had no place for them anymore after his tank broke. anyway so that's how my over crowded, unheated bowl came to be haha, and for those of you who are wondering, I do genuinely care about these fish and I am currently saving up to buy an aquarium kit with a heater, a filter and an oxygene pump in which I will be moving my female guppy and neon tetras to. I am incredibly excited about giving the fish a better home in which they can thrive in haha. anyway best of luck to all my fellow aquarist!
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