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  1. Thought that was me that divided the tank:wink:
  2. Just want to point out this is not me, they are refering to"Trade Me" not my user name TM The person that emailed me may have been a bit confused
  3. Most of the tank in my fish room don't have filters, they are small max size would be 70ltrs. As others have said you can get away with not haveing filters depending on your bioload and how good you are at looking for signs of problems. I remember going to see a discus breeding setup a long time ago. The chap had 6foot tanks split in two with gravel and plants and between 2 - 6 adult discus in each. Changed water about once a week. Very happy fish and the tanks looked great. His rasing tanks also had no filters but he did a lot of changes.
  4. Cheaper option would most likley be heaters in each tank. If you did go the under tank heating option you couple have the thermostat in just one tank which is hooked up to the heating cable. You would just need to make sure that the cable is evenly spread over all 6 tanks. Argus heating in Chch does that gear. Give them a call they are very helpfull.
  5. TM

    Change around

    What are you doing with the eggs from the mop?
  6. TM

    albino Gardneri

    Yes, i have some if you can't get any up your way.
  7. Would be easier but quality of work may not be up to par compared to getting them done seperate. Freight from North Island would be a lot dearer than from the south so factor that in to. So was it a 7 x 2 x 2 tank?
  8. Sure but for someone that has not kept fish before or for very long then that sort of thing can help and does not need to be complicated.
  9. Not sure of any tnak makers that could make a really nice stand along with the tank. You may get a better job if you get the stand made elsewhere.
  10. blackwood paykels is where i got the tube from, they have a huge range of different types.
  11. one thing i did was just turn the tank up to 28 in summer, never got much over this but there was never a big temp swing which i think is more of a problem.
  12. TM

    Base for rock work

    HDPE or another type of non toxic plastic.
  13. In the past i have used fuel hose on some filters, it has hard plastic ribbing in so you can't kink it. Still bends enough though. Otherwise just add some elbows.
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