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Posts posted by skuzza

  1. My emperor was fine for about 5 months then it turned into and evil bossy coral eating machine all in the space of a week.So after the loss of a great fish i got an regal angel which mowed down everything that was not sps.I have found over the last 11 years of fish and reef keeping that they are eye catching with a great personality for a while then they turn into w#*kers.You put one in your coral tank and you get what you deserve.Look on the bright side its only $100 a coral and about $140ish for a nice clam so just keep buying new ones they may stop one day.

  2. Your right about the fire hazard.When i got my new light i had problems with it and it burnt out one ballest. It got sent away and fixed which was good. But i noticed a week or so after i got it back they had not tied the wires back down to the holding points and one of them had lifted up and the heat from the reflective case around the MH bulb had melted through the plastic and the wire was touching.It burnt a big black ring on the reflector thats the only reason i noticed. Talk about wake up call. :o

  3. What Level do you find works well in your tank for the best results.

    Mine is currently at 9kh as it drops fast and can get away on me.I like it around 12kh as things grow faster i notice.

  4. My old fish only which was 1200 x 600 x 600 upped the power bill by $40.00 a month extra. When i up sized to 1400 x 600 x 600 and started to keep coral it went to $80.00 a month.Then i went to what i have now and it is $240.00 a month + house = $360.00. When i run cheaper pumps and other gear to keep the cost down of set up the power was more due to the fact that the cheap ones didnt have the running costs in mind just the price for the buyer.

  5. Ring wonder world in rotorua i think arde will sell you the tank and stand without the light or even just the tank.I see you are far away but it might still be a cheaper option.

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