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Posts posted by kiwiraka

  1. I think you're thinking they're freshwater shrimp, but they're almost definitely marine shrimp probably Palaemon affinis.

    :o :rolfl:

    Lol I thought they were freshwater shrimp because they weren't in the rock pools they were in the brackish water right where the stream flows into the sea..... My mistake :gigl:

  2. So I went for a quick spotlight last night.

    I went to a little stream that flows straight into a harbour, the stream had redfins, bandeds, a young longfin and 1 inanga (No idea how it got into the stream, it's spring fed and has a series of water falls, up to 50cm before reaching the sea)

    So I decided to have a poke round in the rock pools, to get to the rock pools I walked down next to the stream and where it met the sea there were HUNDREDS of shrimp.

    They must have been trapped because they were trying to head up stream but there weren't any in the stream.

    So my questions are, Will the shrimp survive?

    Will they be able to find another stream (the closest one is a good 2-3 ks away)?

    And what do you guys think of using them as frozen food? I know you can only take 50 per day, but that would last me awhile...

    Just wondering :spop:

  3. I wasn't directing that at you, anyone can view posts so someone who just wants natives as a display fish and doesn't care about their requirements could read about a good spot and catch a bunch of shortjaws (or maybe I'm just paranoid), maybe someone could send you a pm....

    If you're wanting bullys and inverts just go to any random stream, bullys are everywhere, koura are quite common in shaded streams and if you want other inverts ponds might be your best bet.

    Also when I upgrade to a bigger tank (could be a few months) I would love some fissidens, just putting it out there :thup:

  4. I've noticed that quite a few people don't want to post their fishing spots on the web, I guess it's so inexperienced people don't go and catch a dozen kokopu and chuck them in a little 2 foot aquarium....

    I would say your best bet would be to either just go poking around or remember the names of promising streams and research the biodiversity of the catchment online....

    But there might be someone willing to share.

  5. Sadly dad bully isn't much of a dad so the eggs have been abandoned for the last couple of days, and the snails have been into them so there aren't that many left...

    I think I'll probably set up my little 30 litre, do young bullys have a higher temperature tolerance than the adults?

    I was thinking of setting it up in a sunny spot to increase algae growth and adding the little black bugs I have In the ponds (also an id of these would be nice, they're like little black seeds, daphnia size but have a really smooth swimming pattern).... I don't have much experience in raising fish from eggs (I don't think raising goldfish in ponds counts...) so anymore tips would be appreciated.

  6. I couldn't decide whether this should go here or in technical....

    Anyway, I would like to try some different scaping ideas for an aquarium to see how my ideas can fit together, but since I don't have the tank yet (and might not for awhile :ton: )

    So does anyone know of free, easy to use designing software suitable for aquarium sketches/designs (for windows)


  7. I wouldn't recommend a giant as they get quite big, but a banded or two could work. But as ottdurr said it would be highly unlikely that you would see kokopu in a pond unless you go out at night with a torch. Inanga or bullys would be a lot more visible.

    Feeding is quite easy: uncooked shrimp, heart and practically any type of bug you can find.

  8. Well this morning the female bully has been spawning..... But the boy (in the photo above) decided that the eggs looked tasty..... She's still going and it looks like there are a good 100ish eggs that haven't re-entered a bully.

    Anyone else with spawning bullys this year yet?

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