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Everything posted by Silverdollarboy2

  1. I agree, will be nice having a tank with low stocking and plenty of plants. Shouldn't be too hard to find a group of them, I know a few breeders along with HFF have them. Your tank looks awesome Caryl, I feel like buying fish should always be secondary to enjoying and looking after them for many years like you have done.
  2. Aiming for Clown Killies at this stage
  3. Well that didn't take long - turns out there's now a Hollywood Fish Farm in my area and a 21L tank followed me home somehow...
  4. Hi Caryl, good to hear from you again. It has been a while since I've frequented the forum. I am now at university so unfortunately have sold all my aquariums, but very tempted to start something small up again as the bug has never quite left. We'll see what happens in the next 6 months or so...
  5. Disregard this reply, was reading old posts and mis-clicked
  6. Looking back at the original post, you have a fair point. Hopefully the later images are more fish focussed
  7. From what I have observed over the years, bullies do tend to be territorial. Could always try it and observe closely, provided you have another tank to move them into if it doesn’t go as planned.
  8. Opinions on running a wavemaker in this tank guys? Despite 50% weekly water changes and regular scraping I get buildup in the dead spots of the tank. I have a 5000LPH ehiem one is this overkill or will it be fine?
  9. Enjoying a water change, crazy to think I’ve had this guy nearly 5 years
  10. Hi all, just wanted to thank everyone on the forum for helping me so much with my fish keeping over the years, when I joined this forum I was 9 years old and your advice helped me enjoy this great hobby and helped me understand the best ways of helping my fish thrive Heres to another 7 years ?
  11. I can only assume so, haven't seen them for years
  12. Appreciate that :). He's the only fish I have these days
  13. Crazy to think I've had my Kokopu for almost five years now, time flies certainly.
  14. African cichlids could be a good option to look at, i set up a tank for them but ended up going for convicts. Maybe time to look at them again
  15. A few killies, American Cichlids, tetras, Red eared sliders and a couple native tanks. Open to anything new
  16. Hi all, been a while. I now only have one fish, my beloved Giant Kokopu, but would like to set up another tank or enclosure in the future. Any cool suggestions for fish or reptiles that would be worth a try would be much appreciated Cheers
  17. What a setup mate! Great to see such setups in the Bay, goodluck with the sale
  18. What plants can I put in this tank, looking a bit bare
  19. Try Mitre 10 builders sand and wash it thoroughly, my rams and geos seemed to be fine with that. The finer the better
  20. Any smaller schooling fish i could keep with this guy? Tried pygmy cories but he was a bit aggressive.
  21. I have a slightly larger tank with similar stocking, should be fine as long as you keep on top of water changes. Platies are generally smaller than mollys so could be a better option.
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