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Everything posted by nzpouter

  1. home offered to unwanted goldfish, any kind free or cheap as pond filler.
  2. some of the ones on the bottom right, variegated ones, and some of these... both are marginal plants.
  3. nzpouter

    pond plants

    Anybody around chch want to do a swap? :bounce:
  4. or lionhead..... seems pretty hard to find down here....
  5. Some of them if sheltered (like the bright blue ones), but most die down.
  6. yeah, don't get those... they can grow to 2m... Get the siberica or louisiana or some of the dwarf reeds.... This is what we got around our water,
  7. irises for the background... they grow between 80cm to 1.2m tall... or some larger variety of agapanthus.
  8. what sort of fish have you got in there? I got some waterlilly and irises, swap you for some fish.
  9. I might be able to help.
  10. I think they're more interesting than the old boring white/ stripy ones.... At the moment I'm going to breed some stripy baloons, if I can get a marble I'll add that to the mix.
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