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Everything posted by cryancondor

  1. Thanks for that. Not sure how to put location in profile! Will try and sort it out! I'm in CHCH. All my fish are hardy, they've come through this winter which was the coldest in god knows how many years. They breed em tough down here! The last snow left a 10cm layer in the pond!!! None of the fry made it through last summer so am not concerned about hybrids. Do you not think pompoms, celestials and bubble eyes will hack the temp down here? Cheers
  2. Hi there, I have an 800L pond that at the moment has water circulating from a sub pump through a sun sun 304B canister (have got it in a big rubbish bin that's dug into the ground!!) and down a water fall. We have 2 Ranunculus lingua (are they oxygenators???), a water lilly and a water iris. At the mo, the bottom of pond (concrete) is bare, no stones etc. I want as mush oxygen in there as possible... any thoughts? Cheers!
  3. Hi there, I have 7 fish, between 80 and 120mm in an 800L pond. And yes I've named them!! I have a large and very dominant red cap comet who shacks up with another large orange comet, a shubunkin, a black moore, an oranda, blue fantail and a calico fantail. I'm seeking advice on other breeds. I'd love to get my mitts on a celestial but am worried if I get a female, the comet (arnie) will run her to the ground as he's already claimed the life of a lions head. I'm not a fan of bronze fish and having a pond I'm cautious, but would love them, about bubble eyes and pompom as I've heard they are quite delicate and I'd hate females to get mown down by the big comet. Any thoughts??? Something unusual, native (?)... DIFFERENT! :thup:
  4. (long time reader, first time poster) Sorry to hear about your loss! I have an 800L pond and have lost a few over the past year. I toyed with the idea of mesh/perspex but I had a theory that natural selection applies to ponds. If the fish are dumb enough to not move when they see a 'predator', they aren't fit for the pond. Harsh but true. I've got 7 beautiful fish at the mo and they are the fittest for sure! I have 2 cats our back yard is frequented by other Toms - no birds big enough to cause a problem but have found ducks in there last summer!! Ponds are beautiful but to mesh them etc is such a shame. You've got to have the right fish ie NOT the ones who hang by the edge!!!
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