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Everything posted by BrendanNSANZ

  1. I moved my main tank into my lounge around 3 months ago, it receives sunlight from 3 different sides. I run CO2 with a single Arcadia HO strip and experience basically no algae whatsoever. I would go as far to say that out of all the tank setups that I've had, this one is by far doing the best in terms of plant growth and health.
  2. Is pouring with rain so what better time to post some updates. Week One Week Two Week Three
  3. Thanks Adrienne. There aren't any Chain loaches in this tank, I've not actually owned them previously. Good to know though, will cross them off my list of potential future additions. Currently in this tank: Angels, Harlequins, SAE's, Otto's. Bristlenose Pleco
  4. The HQI fixtures arrived a week ago, everything is pearling like crazy. Still have to string up the cables so have the lights sitting on lengths of 2x4 currently, it was the only way to create sufficient distance. Have some more plants on the way courtesy of Caryl :happy1: I will post up some more pics once those have been added.
  5. http://www.novafire.co.nz/ 17 Westmoreland Street Grey Lynn Auckland New Zealand It's not a shop, it's a factory so take cash. Pays to phone ahead to find out if they will be around at the time you intend on going in, they often go out to jobs down at the ports.
  6. Is a big investment but definitely worth it if you're ever thinking about moving to a bigger tank at any stage.
  7. I did wonder where you were hiding it or whether you were running it inline. The place I take them to closes @2.00pm and isn't open during the weekend, a real pain but worth it @$30 to refill 8.5 worth of cylinder (2kg + 6.5kg). C'mon go get em filled, slacker :sage:
  8. I would say he is using CO2 based on the drop checker in upper left corner.
  9. I took a bit of break (kids and work have kept me busy) but have gotten back into it. Have rearranged and replanted areas. Have added rocks and wood Have this week added some hardware: PH Controller Added an additional reactor so now have one running into each end of the tank. New HQI lights are due to arrive this week. Intend to add the following plants in the front corner: Rotala Wallichii Rotala Macrandra
  10. Update pic for this tank: Removed the wood as it was getting BGA growing at the very top of the wood and couldn't seem to resolve it.
  11. After working a 70 hour week and not paying much attention to the tank (apart from dosing ferts and walking out the door) I walked in tonight to see a big flower bud heading toward the surface from my Tiger Lotus :happy2: Will post up a pic shortly.
  12. Terry, I can't quite recall the dimensions. Is starting to take off though, ferns and anubias are spreading nicely. I feel the lotus has given the tank a nice light/shade balance Here's some update pic's:
  13. Prices do vary drastically. It seems to be the larger more obvious companies which are typically exorbinant, I was quoted for instance over $70 to refill my 6.8kg alone. The company in the URL above suggests they provide services to multiple ports, one of those being Lyttelton. It wouldn't hurt to send them an email and ask A) Do they have a local factory/shop in Christchurch or B) Can they possibly refer you to a company in Christchurch whom they maybe use for the services they then on forward to the port. No harm in asking.
  14. The place I go to get my tanks refilled is as follows: http://www.novafire.co.nz/ They work odd hours as it's a factory, not a shop. Cash only. To fill up a 6.8kg and a 2kg it cost $30.00 Ring ahead to check that they aren't going to be offsite on a job. Be aware that there are two parts to Westmoreland that are divided by an island, you want the side where the Mitre 10 is. They also test cylinders.
  15. Cheers mate. The reason for removing the glosso was it made the tank look a bit too washed out with green. Adding the rotala brings a bit more colour against the green backdrop. Once the java and anubia fill out a bit more it should make the rotala pop out of the tank, thats the goal anyway.
  16. Have removed the glosso and added some Rotala which I intend to turn into a low hedge at the front. The Tiger Lotus started shooting up some nice red pads
  17. Yep everything is turned off when I do any trimming, never tried siphoning it up though. Will give that a go
  18. It's Java moss, originally it was tied with normal sewing thread and over time it grows onto the wood and creeps all over it. It's a bit of a pain come time to trim it as the little bits go everywhere and come to rest at the base of plants where they begin growing.
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