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Everything posted by opticalblue

  1. Hi Guys Does anybody know the name of this plant..? I have look on the net and can't seem to find it for the life of me. http://www.flickr.com/photos/85196196@N ... hotostream Cheers Guys
  2. Hi Ghaz Sorry to jack your thread but I can't seem to PM I am trying to get my hands on Glosso plant for my new aquarium and see that you mention you would be getting rid of some excess you have. Bit of a silly question would it be possible to get some plant from you if you don't mind..? Cheers Opticalblue
  3. Thanks guys I currently use the seachem, ph alert but they only last 3 or so months which end up quite an expense if you know what I mean
  4. Hi Guys Does anybody know where I can get or know of a in tank ph meter? Similar to the in tank digital thermometer but reads ph. Cheers
  5. Sorry to jack your tread...... But does any body know how long the co2 bottle lasts if it is on for 8 hrs at roughly one bubble per sec? Thanks
  6. Hi I am thinking of trying to set up co2 injection using a soda stream bottle. But not sure where to start besides the obvious of getting the bottle from mitre10. Does anybody know where I can get the rest of the items to set this up? I've been told to get a regulator with a solenoid Any suggestions? Thanks guys
  7. This seems to e an interesting discussion regarding water changes filtering, but what are your guys thoughts on adding cycle every water change or is there bacteria in the filter median to not have to add cycle?
  8. Thanks for info. Luck I didn't get them from him. What a doggy guy!
  9. Thanks for you info. Whats the matter with the shrimp off trademe? :-?
  10. Hi Guys I have recently added Glass/Ghost Freshwater Shrimp to my tank and was thinking about adding Pearl Gouramis. Does anybody know if these fish are compatible? Or will the Gouramis eat the Shrimp?
  11. Hi Guy I want to see what peoples opinion is on the frequency of water changes are? if I had the Eheim gravel cleaner which cleans the gravel without changing the water. Could I change the water changes to once every 2 weeks than once a week? Thanks
  12. Thanks for all you advice guys. How often would you add the Epsom salt Jenifer? I've now got some flourish and seems to be doing better
  13. Hi I have been looking the internet to find what this plant is and cannot seem to id this. Does anybody know what the name for this plant? http://www.flickr.com/photos/85196196@N02/
  14. Flourish excel is what I was told to use with the directions above and it wiped out the Blackbeard, turns pink then gores away
  15. Thanks for all your comments. I have Arcadia freshwater lamp fluro tubes x2 and aqua one tropical reddish tube fitted into my ar980 tank which is on for 8 hr a day. So I think lighting is pretty good. Just seems wired because when I had a smaller tank ar850, I was trimming the plants nearly every 2 weeks. Without fert balls.
  16. Isn't hat pretty much as the same as flourish excel?
  17. Hi All I was wondering what would a good fertilizer to make these plants below grow faster. I currently use jbl fert balls, flourish excel, and co2. Sagitaria java fern, Baby tears, twisted Val, H.Polysperma Any suggestions as to what I am missing or could add?
  18. Try this Initial dose 10m per 40 liters 5m per 100 liters once a day or once every 2 days
  19. ok ill try that. My test levels are all ok and have always been at safe levels
  20. Hi I seem to have a problem in my tank. There is this Brown Algae (I think it is) growning in my plants and seem to make the whole tank look dirty. I have researched this on the net and it mentions that i should change the water more frequently and lower the light time. I've done this and not much success. Does anybody what my problem is? Tank details Aqua One AR-850 fitted with JBL PhosEx Ultra 340g Fish tanks has been cycles for 4-5 months 2 Pearl Gouramis 1 Colbolt Blue Gourami 10 Tetra Neons 2 Albino Catfish 2 Brown Catfish 1 Golden Algae eater
  21. I have stop using them and using this stuff i think its called aragonite which i was told to use from the fish shop. So far the gold algae fella has gone back to normal so im going to try the natural product way for now Thanks Guys
  22. Ok i see now Not sure what caused the sudden pH drop a couple of days after adding the fish however I do seem to be using the pH up more than the down since i started my tank. I raised the overnight and then this afternoon I saw that the pH has dropped again quite low. So i brought some bags of white rocks which was told by the fish shop that it raises the KH and pH levels and conditions of the water hardness will dissolve in and correct the hardness and ph when i went to buy some Seachem Neutral Anybody know the name of the white rocks/treatment is? So im giving that a go
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