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Posts posted by aquariumbeginner32

  1. For quite a while now, my filter has only been trickling water out instead of flowing. I've cleaned the tubes and there is no issue with water getting into the filter from the tubes as it's FULL but the water just trickles out and it's not leaking from anywhere else. :dunno:

  2. This is from the Sea Monkeys NZ website.... whether the info is correct or not :dunno:

    What are they? Sea-Monkeys are a hybrid species of brine shrimp called "Artemia NYOS". "Artemia" is the genus they belong to, which includes Fairy and Brine shrimp. NYOS is the acronym for the New York Ocean Science Laboratories where they were created.

    A person in a pet store insisted that Sea-Monkeys are just brine shrimp? The person in the pet store should visit this website.

    How are Sea-Monkeys different from brine shrimp?

    There are several differences. Sea-Monkeys grow much larger (up to .5" long) and live longer than ordinary brine shrimp. They are also a lot more active and can be taught to perform "tricks", unlike ordinary brine shrimp.

    Can you find Sea-Monkeys in the sea? Don't brine shrimp live in the ocean? No, you will only find them in your Instant Life packet and Sea-Monkey tank! Brine shrimp live in salt lakes and salt flats, but your Sea-Monkeys are not brine shrimp. They belong to the same genus, "Artemia", but are completely different animals.

    How big can they get? They can grow between 1/2" and 3/4" long!

  3. The platy fry seem to be growing very slowly. They haven't gotten much bigger than they were when they were born and they are a month old now :dunno: I thought maybe they weren't getting enough nutrients from the liquifry and flakes....

    The sea monkey kits don't even come with/use salt :dunno: It's just the water and water purifier :dunno: I had a look on the sea monkeys website.

    And they don't say you need a pump, air stone or anything else.... just water, water purifier and food.

  4. I don't know... I thought it would be easier. I have no idea how to breed brine shrimp and with the kits they provide everything you need. I also thought it might be cheaper to buy a kit rather than buy all the stuff you need to do it on your own..... ? :dunno:

    I just thought it would be interesting. Plus on the bottle of liquid fry food I have it says to only use it for a couple of days on its own and then supplement with brine shrimp.

  5. We looked at it also, took it for a test drive...

    and apparently it was inspected for the car dealership we bought it from. Then we had it inspected by our local mechanic thoroughly also. Apparently the only way they would find these leaks is if they pulled the motor apart and everything. It wasn't something that they would find doing a normal inspection. :an!gry

  6. So hubby comes home from his mechanic today to tell me our car we just bought 5 months ago needs about $2000 worth of repairs (oil leaks) :an!gry We are now waiting to see if the Autosure warranty covers it. The reason we sold our old car and got a new one was because the old one was constantly breaking down and was costing us too much in repairs.

    :evil: :an!gry :evil: :an!gry

  7. For those that have a heat pump.... I need advice on who to go through. There are sooo many companies that install heat pumps but I want to go with a trusted known company. We are in Papakura. What brand... Fujitsu, Daikon etc... there are so many! I don't know who to call lol

    I need someone to come over here and look at the house and tell me what would be best, whether we need more than one unit etc... I want something that has a good energy star rating and won't increase our power bill.... I've had family members tell me that it will increase and heard from others that their power bill hasn't increased at all. We have a 2 bedroom house and it's not that big/long so I think we could get away with just one unit but only if it's going to do a good enough job of keeping the whole house warm in winter/cool in summer.

    The cost isn't really an issue but I don't want to be ripped off either. I could go to a lot of different companies and get quotes from them all... but want to get it done ASAP before it starts getting too hot. We also want to get insulation so a company that can do both at the same time would be great. :thup:

    My sister is getting a heat pump and insulation installed on Wednesday by EES. I have no idea who they are ... haven't heard of them. Apparently they have a special on at the moment - she's getting hers for only $1200. Anyone heard of them? I'm going to go google them now and see if I can find out anything about them. I want to stick with a known brand eg Fujitsu.

  8. Since when does peeling and cooking potatoes take more than half an hour, unless you are baking or roasting them in the oven? Even less than 10 minutes if you have a microwave :dunno:

    I suggest you buy a basic cookbook :wink:

    I don't know about everyone else, but it takes me about 10 minutes to wash, peel and cut up the potato. For one meal we would use about 8 potatoes. When I say half an hour I mean to prepare and cook the meal. That's why I usually buy convenience foods that are ready to go. I do know HOW to cook lol I just hate cooking. I love baking but not cooking meals. Especially in Summer. I'd rather eat salad and fruit than cook in the oven/kitchen in Summer UGH

    You do realise you can buy loose potatoes, or small bags of them, not just 5 or 10kg bags?

    Buy smaller amounts of fresh fruit and veg each time and they won't go off. Cauli and pumpkin are two that keep really well.

    Yep but my husband is a bulk buy freak lol and if it's cheaper to buy a 5kg or 10kg bag than to buy 8 potatoes separately each week, he will do that. I don't get a say. And we go shopping once weekly, so I can't buy my fruit and vegetables more regularly.

    I've actually been told it's best to eat vegetables fresh because the longer they sit the less vitamins/minerals they have. That's why I buy frozen vegetables because they don't lose their nutrients when they're frozen.

    When I buy frozen veg I buy them as separate bags eg a bag of peas, a bag of corn, a bag of beans etc, rather than a bag of mixed veg as the flavour in the mixed ones comes out pretty tasteless and nothing like the real thing.

    The vegetables we get are the McCains Winter Vegetables and they have carrot, beans, cauliflower and broccoli in there. I haven't had any issues with them being tasteless. I don't boil them for too long... if the color is coming out into the water then the vegetables are losing their nutrients. I always hated how my mother cooked cabbage until it was soggy and veges were always soft.

    Fish, like humans, like variety in their diet so experiment.

  9. Those two statements contradict themselves.

    You want to save money on fish food yet you buy ready to eat potatoes which are like five times the price of fresh.

    Caryl - we do eat real potato LOL It's potato... it's just already peeled, mashed and in small cylinder shaped pieces and all I have to do is add 8 tablespoons water and cook it in the pot.

    The reason we buy it like that is because whenever I used to buy potatoes they would not get used because I like to cook meals that don't take more than half an hour or so most nights and we only have potatoes once a week so I was buying like a 5 or 10kg bag and most of them would go rotten because I never used them. So I'd rather pay $5.70ish for a 1kg frozen bag of potato. I know it's more expensive but it's faster... Also the reason why I buy frozen mixed veg instead of fresh veges... they just went off because I never used them. Same with fruit most of the time... it doesn't get eaten and goes off.

    When I say inexpensive I mean it's probably cheaper than buying fish dinners from the LFS. They get flakes and bloodworms.

  10. I'm thinking about getting a couple of Litoria Ewingii (brown tree frog/whistling tree frog). Have looked up about what they need, what kind of terrarium etc....

    Our local FS doesn't have frogs. They have some tadpoles at the moment but I don't want to have tadpoles. Does anyone know if Hollywood Fish Farm have them? Or anywhere in South Auckland area that does?

  11. do you feed your fish? I've had a look online and there are quite a few that it says you can feed to them. The only one I've used so far are peas.

    Do you know if you can give them tinned fruit such as diced pears? We don't buy pears ... we only eat them in tinned fruit. But we do buy bananas and apples.. both of which apparently fish can eat.

    We have carrot, peas, broccoli... we only buy frozen potato that is ready to go in the pot and doesn't have to be mashed... so no potatoes. Oh and we have sweetcorn.

    Is there any veges or fruit that are poisonous to fish? I'm just wondering if I can use broccoli and carrot and sweetcorn from frozen mixed veges, when it's been boiled with cauliflower and green beans?

    Just trying to find inexpensive ways to add more variety to my fishies diets :o)

  12. I'm so sorry for your loss :( Don't beat yourself up though... I'm sure it happens to a lot of aquarists.

    I agree ... I wouldn't risk putting tap water into my tanks/pond without putting at least Water Ager in the water. If I forget if I have added it to my bucket when I put fresh water in my tank I will add it still.... so sometimes I'm sure my fish have had extra Stress Coat in their water. It has never hurt them.

  13. bloodworms are... now I know lol Went to clean my bathtub pond because I've decided to move it onto our deck... found bloodworms in it :o :lol: I mean at first I was concerned they were some kind of parasite but they look exactly like bloodworms... had a look on the net and now I'm sure they are. Phew lol Lucky goldfish! :happy2:

    Apparently they are the larvae of an aquatic midge...

  14. I was going to say it sounds like the sniffles to me. We had a friend years ago that had a white cat that was from memory, blind AND deaf, or at least one of the two and they said she was fine... they just had to watch that she didn't go on the road/get hit by a car. Could always be an indoor cat, as long as the owners are happy with having a litter tray inside the house.

    I hope poor kitty will be ok.

  15. Thanks for that :thup: I will discontinue using the salt. Whatever I can do to save some money will be good. I've also cut down on how much bloodworms I give my fish as I thought it was a once daily thing but apparently it's a once a week food. So I'm going to save a bit of money.

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