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Posts posted by aquariumbeginner32

  1. I was thinking about taking my 5 platy fry (they're about 6 weeks old) out of the breeding trap and put them with the adult fish. I decided not to. But today one of the suction cups on the breeding trap came off the glass and so the lid was in the water on one side and 3 out of 5 of the fry escaped through the holes in the lid! I found all 3 of them and decided to give up because the trap is forever coming off the glass. So I have now put the fry into the tank. They are very happy and none of the fish have tried eating them and I don't think any of them have mouths big enough. Plus there are hiding places for the fry. So... my 2 new fry that were born about a week ago have been moved from their hiding place under the rock, into the breeding trap as they're a lot smaller and could definitely be fish food lol

  2. I'm so sorry. :an!gry

    Yes it is just so wrong to steal Christmas presents esp those for kids.

    It's not like there are not places like the Salvation Army and Churches that do Christmas collections and Angel trees etc so kids from needy families can get presents. It's just low to steal them from other kids. We had an angel tree at our Church this year (and last year) for kids and I got presents for two angels. There are good people out there that want to help but when you just take, instead of asking.... I just don't understand that.

  3. I found some more fry last night in my tank.... they are different because they have black speckles on them whereas all my other platy fry are orange/sunrise but they're so tiny I can't determine if they're platy or molly because I have 2 male blue platy that have black speckling and 1 male and 1 female molly - the male is black and orange and white (black speckles) and the female is dalmation........ guess I'll just have to wait until they're bigger to find out if they're platy or molly..... :dunno:

  4. Yes I need to switch to the bio noodles etc... it's just getting my husband to buy the stuff .... he says I've already spent too much on the fish. But yes, it would probably be cheaper in the long run.

    How much do you spend on maintaining the filter eg replacing bio noodles etc? IF you have to replace them eventually....

  5. if you take the cartridges out does it go faster?

    Ok I cleaned the tank today and cleaned the cartridges and replaced one of them. It's flowing better now so I'm thinking it's the cartridges... will have to go get some more this weekend. Obviously I can't replace all of them at once... will do one every 2 weeks. Sound ok? It's flowing at about 3/4 capacity now.

  6. Thanks guys. I haven't heard of microworms. I was going to try feeding them some bloodworms but thought they would be too big? The ones that were born 4 1/2 weeks ago are bigger than they were. So I guess it's just a slow process and since I see them every day I don't notice the difference in size. It's like babies lol Mothers don't really notice every centimetre they grow because we see them every day KWIM?

    I still have them in the breeding trap without the plastic separator thingee. I don't have another tank with a heater to put them in. I'm thinking about taking my chances and letting them back into the tank with the other fish.... I have tiger barbs, platies (obviously lol), guppies, minnows, 1 molly and dwarf gourami. The fry are about 1cm long. There are 5 fry. I've got a rock and fake plants in there that they could hide in/under. :dunno:

  7. You did a great job. What a pity you had to make your own cake though :cry:

    I wanted to! I LOVE making and decorating cakes :o) This year though, I didn't make one because I was just sooo busy and didn't have time. I just bought some coffee cake from Countdown lol The last 5 months have been really busy ones and I didn't even make my daughters birthday cake from scratch. I just bought a couple of rectangle sponges and iced and decorated them. But she still LOVED her cake.

    I've been making my own cakes since I was 17. One day I am going to do a cake decorating class. :thup:

  8. lol it's my husbands car and I don't drive so know NOTHING about cars really. It's all a bunch of mumbo jumbo to me lol

    Anyway, our Autosure warranty covered it. We only had to pay the excess. I honestly don't know where the oil was coming from but they fixed 2 out of 3 leaks. Apparently one is a very slow leak that doesn't need to be done right now. We almost got charged for the oil too but my husband said he was sure Autosure warrant covers oil too and it does. :thup:

  9. One of my grandmothers friends had a pet magpie. The only pets I've had are fish, mice, guinea pig, rabbits, birds and cats. Unless you count my monarch caterpillars and butterflies outside..... I used to have a gazebo that is fully enclosed with insect screen sides up, with a dozen swan plants in it and I put all the caterpillars off my big swan plant outside into there so wasps etc wouldn't get to them. I had about 24 butterflies but because the only place we have here that the gazebo fit was around the back where there is not much sunlight, the swan plant leaves were getting black/white fungus on them and the caterpillars started getting sick and dying. So I gave up on that idea. I still have (well had, until the caterpillars ate every single leaf on them LOL) 3 small potted swan plants outside but not many caterpillars so far... I have 4 Chrysalis' and 2 smaller caterpillars disappeared when their food supply ran out :o( I was going to take them to my father in laws to put on his neighbours swan plants when I saw there were hardly any leaves left, but then they ate all the leaves by the time I checked again..... :(

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