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Everything posted by cichlidman2010

  1. As per title. Good condition. Been sitting outside, under cover for a while. No lids. Must be picked up by this weekend from Torbay, Auckland $300
  2. Looking for juvenile Pseudotropheus demasoni in the Auckland area. Anything from fry to 4 centimetres is OK. Does anyone know of any for sale? I have checked Trade Me but there is nothing suitable for me at the moment. Thanks!
  3. Does anyone know of any lamprologus ocellatus around for sale?
  4. Just digging this post back up - Does anyone have any Lamprologus ocellatus? Are they around anymore?
  5. Looking for Lamprologus ocellatus in Auckland. Does anyone know of any for sale, or upcoming? Thanks in advance
  6. Haha as mentioned above, I don't have access to a computer with pictures of the set up at the moment Viewing only for now
  7. Currently I don't have any to upload as I'm on a different computer. I stocked clowns, tangs, and a blenny along with a whole bunch of soft corals. If you'd like to come and view it, you're more than welcome
  8. I am selling my cool little back up saltwater tank as I don't have space for it anymore. It's an Aqua One 620 tank converted to run as a marine set up. The back filter box has been modified so that the internal skimmer can protrude into it. It also has space for canister filter pipes, but does not come with the canister. The light hood has been modified to hold 2x Stealth LED strips - one blue strip and one 66/33 blue/white strip. They are very powerful and great for the depth of the tank. They run on separate power packs so can be controlled individually with timers. The tank has been set up for months and is fully cycled etc. Comes with sand and 3 pieces of rock. Coraline algae has started growing on the rear glass and skimmer body. It comes on the Aqua One 620 black cabinet. The entire set up is only around 7 months old and is in good condition. It's a great tank to play around with, start your first saltwater tank with or to do some serious DIY with. I had this tank running fully stocked with coral and fish and it looks awesome when it's at it's best. I'm only looking for around $400 for the lot. The skimmer and lights are worth more than that alone. Pick up is in Torbay, Auckland and must be ASAP.
  9. As per title. Wanting to buy a couple of pairs. Located in Auckland
  10. As per title. Must be in good condition. Will be using for turtles. Can arrange pick up but would prefer delivery if possible. North Shore Auckland
  11. What do you think the best brand of digital thermometer is and why? Considering buying one but am not informed enough to make a choice yet. Thanks in advance! :bounce:
  12. What percentage of fresh water generally needs to be added to NSW to adjust salinity and deem it appropriate for aquarium use? I live on the North Shore in Auckland if that helps
  13. Having trouble finding any at the moment due to the weather. Does anyone have any commons that they are wanting to rehome? Auckland only
  14. Admins: Please move/remove if this post is not allowed. I have a part time aquarium maintenance position available for a fish keeper with good experience. Work is all over Auckland and is on a part time basis only. Payment and discounts depending on experience and performance. Please PM for information.
  15. Update - I decided to go without beveled as the ultra clear glass looked as if there was no edge anyway. Photos to come.
  16. I'm in the planning stages of a small saltwater tank and want to know whether perc clowns are known for jumping out of lidless tanks? The tank I have had built is also rimless. Any advice is much appreciated
  17. How were the measurements that I gave unusual?
  18. I would have thought so but one of our very good Auckland tank builders seems to think that 8mm is ok. You think 10?
  19. Ok great, thanks. The tank is also going to be rimless. Measurements are 620 x 310 x 310 mm so not very big. Will post pictures of the tank when I have it
  20. Does anyone have experience with beveled edge tanks? I'm looking to have one built but I know that they can get expensive. Are they worth the money you pay for them? How much 'cleaner' do they really look? Are there any down-sides eg. strength? Thanks :thup:
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