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  1. started on his wen and have now started down his lateral line? i have been adding salt but it doesn't seem to be doing much, the other 3 fish (one being another oranda) are fine? sorry about the pic, i'm not sure how to add them on here https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver ... 193533.jpg
  2. :tears: i picked up this fish yesterday, and when i was putting him into his tank i noticed he had red veins in his tail, his tail is a bit tatty and his body has a redness to it, bought off trademe and when i picked him up, he was in a bucket, so looking down on him i didn't notice grrr! :an!gry my fault for not inspecting him properly, i know the cause can be septicemia so how can i treat this? will he affect the other fish? i will do plenty of water changes to make sure the water is super clean for him. fins don't seem to be clamped but he is a bit dopey
  3. thank you, have messaged them.
  4. arcanine

    Bubble eyes

    are there many of these around? i have a couple and would love to get some unrelated(distantly related) ones to breed with my ones. :f77: :thup:
  5. are these pretty common? just picked up two wee ones from a local shop and they are so cute, i remember seeing a couple a year or so ago but nothing since. i didn't even go in to buy anything!, now i have to get a new tank for my albino guppies i plan to buy :gigl: what a shame.... im a sucker for albino anything!
  6. i would too! are they around?
  7. looks like its got a white belly? didnt think fire eels had spots down the spine either
  8. oh dear! &c:ry hope that doesn't happen anytime soon to my fire eel, he's a good 75cm now. there have been a few times when i've thought "oh crap here we go" because hes been found upside down...turns out thats the way he sleeps! either that or draped over a vertical ceramic pipe.... silly eel !
  9. haha dead right you dont want them too big anyway mines a right pain in the bum, only eats worms and took him a month to eat anything, wont even look at anything else. he gets 20-30 worms a day/ second day. hes grown about 7cm since november after being fed bloodworms at bird barn is mr Eel yours henward? (i cant look at youtube, uses too much internet :an!gry )
  10. lol 35cm a monster :sml2: mines 75cm
  11. its not just one chasing another , one will sort of charge at the other then the other will charge back at it, then they will go off and charge at the other ones, i will leave them to it, just wanted to make sure they wont die of exhaustion or anything
  12. i have had 10 neons for about 8 or so weeks, they are in a 5ft tank, and are the only "swimming" fish other than a male fighter who minds his own business, there is bristlenose in the tank and a 75cm fire eel. they were bought as live food for the eel but hes not interested in anything that doesnt come from my hand or isnt a worm! they have been fighting with each other constantly chasing, nipping etc for the last few weeks, what could they be fighting over? and how could i stop it? or do i leave them to it? i dont really want to get more as they were for food so didnt really want them living in the tank in the first place! :lol:
  13. i got two, hopefully not the same sex. need fattening up very badly but hopefully once they get there will start growing well
  14. cold water for me = no heater needed. i dont keep track of coldwater temps only tropical, but im guessing as my room is quite warm from all the tropical tanks the leopards tank is probably around 20 deg. :dunno: i must be doing something right as they are going strong since sept last year!
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