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Everything posted by nativelover

  1. yesturday did 40% change its like he is trying to scratch or get somthing off him.
  2. hi i have just brought a new tank and am wanting to breed some fish or have a nice community setup the tank size is 60x30x45 quite small i know could i breed some dwarf cichlids? or what community fish?
  3. one of my banded kokopus is acting strange he is normally out feeding with the inanga and other kokopu but today has been rubbing on the gravel and rocks then hiding in cavees and not being bossy like usual HELP please.
  4. sell the tank they get good money and buy a full glass setup that way you will have alot more to choose from.
  5. looking amazing already cant wait to see finished tank.
  6. thank you so much am glad in a way they are bandeds because as my first kokopu want them to be easy and not rare but again thank you
  7. if a novice maybe start on the less rare native kokopu the banded.
  8. hi in my new 1200mm x 600mm x 800mm i have 2 kokopu that need idenifying the rest of kokopu im sure are bandeds but these two seem alot diffrent.
  9. hi everyone have finalllllllllllly converted it from a frog tank to native and went and brought a 1200 aqua one have set it up but since it is my first time i have no idea how to get it started turned it on and nothing?
  10. haee i meet you at the zoo when you were touching one of our tuataras :slfg: :slfg: :thup:
  11. whats a good size tank that will last them a while?
  12. i am also thinking about aa reptile or turtle how much would it ruffly cost to setup a beardie or turtle tank? :happy1:
  13. hi today we caught a baby eel are they easy to keep it is only about 6cm long thanks?
  14. in september auckland zoo is opening its new masssive new native area i went today and aparently they are going to have heaps of native tanks :happy1: :happy1:
  15. i have a tank this size but its still empty whats a good filter and how much? thanks
  16. http://www.nzgeographic.co.nz/articles.php?ID=382 this koura is amazing :thup:
  17. nice tank cant wait to see finished product :spop: :spop:
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