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Posts posted by Insectile

  1. There is alot of fish that I put in the same category, for example most of the larger growing cichlids (I mean how can you resist that cute oscar in the pet shop), most goldfish and lets not forget turtles. They are on the whole fairly cheap, which as some one who will house them correctly is what I want when buying them, but is bad for the fish as it puts them in the price range where people can afford to replace them regularly.

    The main problem though is that fish aren't seen as being on the same 'level' as pets. On the whole they are seen as something that can be put into a tank as an ornament then not cared for. What people dont realize and/or don't care is that fish require more effort to look after then some other pets, like cats. This leads to them being abused, but again no one seems to care that they are living in substandard conditions and dying prematurely.

    And lets not forget 'fish only grow to the size of their tank'....

    :iag: :gpo2:

    Had a lady at work the other day who told me that she should get away with having 3-4 Silver Sharks as feature fish in her already overstocked 30 litre hexy tank because fish will only grow to the size of the tank they are in! :facepalm: Lets just say I had a few things to say about that...

  2. Don't think its gonna be anytime soon tbh, maybe 1-2 months. I got told today that there is gonna be 12 rows of tanks in the new store, compared to the three at the richmond store, so yeah more emphasis on fish. Also I get a say when it comes to ordering time so hopefully we will be getting some good fish in.

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