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Posts posted by Insectile

  1. probably - also more active at night? I get what your are going for as they do seem to like branches.

    key is food and they like a mist from time to time eh. little ones opening their mouth to the spray is classic every time :lol:

    Yep am aware they are nocturnal lol. they get a mist around 3 times a week, but they only seem to do the mouth opening thing if they have been resting somewhere particularly dry, such as on top of the exo terra background. Do crickets bring them out more?

  2. frog tank looks really good. You will need to add a lot more branches though if you are wanting Whistling Tree Frogs as they are climbers. Mine only come to the ground if i'm feeding terrestrial bugs such as small meal worms etc and spend the rest of the time perched in various crevices and nooks between branches and driftwood and stuff.. You will also need to reduce the amount of water as whistlers aren't that keen on swimming. All I have for mine is a 10cm round x 3cm dish for them to bathe in when they feel like it (which isn't often as I spray them every other day to keep them moist).

  3. common all around nz, just rather boring. except for a defence mechanism.

    How do you actually collect them though? do you make them light up or something to make them easier to find?

    I seem to have a tropical version of freshwater limpet in my fighter tank but none seem to glow when messed with.

  4. Ok cool thanks

    I try to feed them just after they have turned from a pupae into a beetle (they are lighter in colour) as they are still soft but the frogs do still take them once they have hardened and turned dark.

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