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  1. Enclosure sound way to hot 100w basking and a 100w ceramic in am enclosure that size. I use one 80w mercury vapour in a 1500 enclosure
  2. Will do if I every need more. Yer that's a perfect size
  3. What was the size of the 240v flexiwatt Matt I could only find 28cm wide stuff so had to cut it in half the wrong way. With out cutting the black lol
  4. Just hatched from the first pair of eggs from a new female
  5. Cheers i quite like them they are better hunters than G&G's had to go and check could remember haha 1 min every 4 hours. started with 8, think there is 4 now but bought them breeding age 4 years ago so probably old age.
  6. Ive had the same group for 4 years. zero maintenance just thought some live food every now and then. enclosure is all planted and everything auto, haven't' done a manual water change i well over a year. they are just in my reptile room 25 degrees outside out tank, so pretty warm , tank will maintain even temp with all moss and stuff. they do lay every now and then but always on the land, dont no why don't really care either hahaha
  7. There are millions of info/ pics on internet and everyone overseas uses them so they probably work
  8. 7 months should be able to take a medium size locusts how big is it???
  9. Im only feeding my hatchling locusts at moment they have no problem with them from day one
  10. Hi not to shore how much water it's all on timers. I use a mistking system. It come on for 1 min every 6 hours. At a guess would probably use about a liter a day
  11. yep greg made them have 5 of his and they are good. am building a background for a 1500mm one at the moment
  12. Nothing beats variation, the lizard is only going to have problems if you feed "carrot" for an example all the time. a small amount of it is fine. if you feed your lizard on only one thing, doesn't matter what it is it not going to be good for it. the old 70% greens, 20% veg 10% fruit works well i think. i try to get 10 different things in the bowl. everything in moderation
  13. Thanks that is a male about 4 years I think. Only had it 4 months
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