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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. I think the anticipation is getting worse as this drags on and on :( .....will this be the big one? Is it the last one? Will there be more after we've had a break for a few hours? Will the power and water stay on?..... I've been very fortunate with not having broken tanks, but its always in the back of your mind. Ph call from someone bringing a large turtle around today after their tank collapsed. Not sure where it will go?? :(

    Good to see you're still helping the helpless :D

  2. Well I just listened to the song as recommended by Joshlikesfish - all 6.13 minutes of it :roll:

    I will never get my 6.13 minutes back and may have lost a bit more hearing (and brain cells). I could not believe there were people saying "This is amazing!" etc. I don't think humans develop true music appreciation (and taste) until they are older :lol:

    The constant drumming drove me nuts - no finesse.

    The constant screaming was annoying - no tune.

    The lyrics were intelligible - may be just as well :roll:

    Out of curiousity, I tried to find the lyrics and there were none to be found. I guess I am not the only one to be unable to understand a word they screamed.

    I realise I am not the age demographic aimed for but there are some things that should not be termed "music". 8)

    I shall go back to listening to The Breeze (even if they do play the same songs over and over every day). I would listen to my downloads but since Grant set up the new computer I haven't been able to find them :(

    http://www.peaceville.com/cradleoffilth ... lyrics.php just recently put online 8)

  3. you mean that emo looking mop that hides half his face?

    yep that is a fringe I guess though he's changing it to be longer at the sides so he can "coon" it.. (racoon stripes)

    Teenagers are so predictable haha, except i've never heard of somebody changing the fringe into racoon stripes :o

  4. I don't like them either.

    It was something my son had wanted for a very long time and for whatever reason were ultra important to him. He even wrote a long letter to us about it. So there were some strict conditions put in place for him to earn the right to have them and keep them! Sort of like a motivation to work hard at school. He thinks we're too strict but hey - he's wearing snakebites. I just hopes he grows out of the phase.

    Its a teenager thing :wink: Especially snake bites. Does he have a fringe?

  5. Josh

    Something to keep in mind about apperances is that sooner or later you will need a job

    Some of these things are not going to help you get ahead which is the same with tatoos

    Fine for out the back on an assembly line but for mamagement or sales it would probably be quite restricting.

    Im sure that there will be replies that will say but Im a manager and I have this and that but it will almost definatly make employment a little less easy

    The world is becoming more and more accepting. Local animates has a lot of pierced and tattoed people. But yeah, part of the reason I stopped the phase is because i pulled my head in.

    I agree with the acceptance thing.

    Pastafarianism doesn't mean i can cook :P well i can cook if you can fix that electricity thing :wink:

    Very true a few years back but times are changing, thats not to say if u had a giant skull tattooed on your forehead it would be acceptable in todays society, but more and more of the younger generation are tattooed and peirced, just go to the beach in the middle of summer and look at some of the people walking around, most people have some sort of body art these days. Give it ten years and you will see a dramtic change in the front counter staff, sales, and management.

    Also am i the only person who has noticed the very tall bald man at HFF roskill (sorry not sure of your name) who has both arms almost completly tattooed... in my opinion absolutly awesome!

    and josh.... pastafarianisim so where is my mac and cheese when i come over then!!!

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