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Everything posted by DYWLKR


    Altum Angels

    Check with Ronnie of New Pupuke Aquarium - heard he got some wild altum atabapo
  2. I supposed I'll post mine as most of the line that I got were from Johannes... 20-25 x Ikolas (breeders) 10-15 x Pembas (breeders) 10 x Duboisi (yellow band.... Also breeders) 20-30 x leleupis (breeders) 11x young frontosas 4 x black Calvus (breeders) 2 x golden fin comps 25-30 demasoni (breeders) 8 x dragon blood peacocks 15 x stuartgranti Maleri 6 x other peacocks ie.luwanda, eureka red, lemon jake 8 x clown loaches 1 x transcriptus male 1 x brichardi male 1 x black ghost knife fish A couple of pleco, and tankful of assorted fry...OMG no wonder I always don't have enough time :dunno:

    water treatment

    David, do you ever have any issues with the rain water we get in Auckland? Someone told me hat he got acid rain once and killed his fish.
  4. Got some of them and they look great. Some look like very bright orange and some look pale but apart from that the body shape and behavior are just like any other tropheus.
  5. I have a tank of pembas and duboisis with 2 big male frontosas with leleupis and calvus. I have no issues except if I introduce a smaller frontosa. The big front will pick on the smaller front. Also have a colony of Ikolas with 1 smaller frontosa along with leleupis and transcriptus. Once again they are all good together except when I introduce more frontosas. The bigger one picks on the smaller ones. The funny thing is when I put all the frontosas back together on one tank, they seem to get along ok. Anyway I got a colony of frontosa I'm selling in Trade me :-)
  6. Put the brown corals out under the sun for a few days until it's sparkling white. Don't use chemicals as it's not necessary and don't scrub. I do this once every three months.
  7. I noticed that they must be well fed before they start their dance as I have two tanks with Tropheus and I feed one tank more than the other and the ones well fed breed constantly.
  8. Ha ha ha :slfg: I took these shots when I went to Hong Kong. I think it was called Arowana Palace or Haven. I also took a lot of other photos of other fish. I was drooling when I saw them.
  9. Hey Henward - come and meet Popeye This one is Olive...
  10. Thanks guys. Appreciate appreciate all your suggestions. Seems like they are now comfortable with 8 although one is being picked on so hiding most of the time. I've also noticed a couple of Ikola babies inside my corals but haven't seen them for days...they maybe dead Anyway, was about to give up the colony but decided to soldier on and see what happens.
  11. Just be careful as the ph level of a discus tank is quite the opposite to a Malawi tank.
  12. I bought one recently for my kola tank but surprisingly they didn't like it that much. They kept low and didn't want to be anywhere near the current.
  13. Ones you have the dem/yellow colony, stick a couple of albino zebras. It gives the tank a bit of personality.
  14. Their bellies doesn't look too bloated like other cichlids but all other symptoms are there. Looks like all eight are doing ok though. One female even looks like it's holding we'll see.
  15. Yeah Aaron - Jared and I went up there on boxing day. Unfortunately due to the long trip he lost two fish but the rest are sweet. Ryan - no I haven't done any bloat treatment apart from Epsom salt. I know in the states they use Met a lot but we can't get them without prescription here.
  16. It's a 250L tank running a fluval 405. It has some corals in one side and some rocks on the other. Minimum lightning throughout the day. Most of them die slowly so I assume it's bloat. They stay in the corners and won't eat. Mainly feed them NLS and occasionally Novorift spirulina sticks. I don't move any more rocks or plants due to past experience. By the way are you Aaron from Whangarei?
  17. This is my first time posting but I've been reading about people's experiences about keeping and breeding Tropheus online. I'm just feeling a little discouraged after loosing 7 kolas over a period of two months. Before then had 5 big kolas all died due to aggression with my colony of pembas and 15 juvinioe ikolas all died of bloat. Since losing my kolas in my Pemba tank I have started a new tank just for my new ikola colony. As I mentioned I started with 15 and now down to 8 over 2 months and after spending about $1500!?!? All my other Tropheus are fine - no casualties whatsoever. I currently have these in my main tank: 14 x adult pembas 17 x juvi pembas 14 x yellow band Duboisi ikola tank = 8 Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
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