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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. as per tiltle im re- doing my tank and im adding daltons aquatic mix under the gravel , should i rinse it before i put it in
  2. well it could be a type of lilly or a type of lotus not to sure
  3. last i heard he was selling his setup cos of ill health so i dont know whats happened
  4. um you cant realy tell it sometimes happens to discus as well, there is nothing i found you can do to help i would just keep him as a show fish and find a new male
  5. lol nice p44 , i think hes trying to get in shape for his girl, cos she is totaly egnoring him and hes getting mad and chasing the rams so yeah women problems i think :roll:
  6. maybe try a different male as your male might be infertile
  7. well you could get extra bracing done on it that make it safe to use , cos not many tanks are 3ft high and it could be a greats centre piece for a room
  8. Lol yes tht could be posible livingart, I only brought him alittle while ago ,so I think this is why he was sold
  9. no i mean i am wanting it , reaaalllllly badddllllllyyy :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  10. lol i dont think hes digging cos hes had it for 2 days , probaly trying to imprese his girl , which seems not interested
  11. as the title says my wild cockatoo male is carrying a small pebble around in his mouth , he spits it out, then picks that exact peppble up again, so does anyone no what he is doing :-?
  12. my grandads common plecos (all 5 of them) love the seeds they race to get the seeds first :bounce:
  13. lol ok just try your best , any picture is better than no picture :bounce:
  14. typical p44 suggesting plants :roll: , but after seeing a proper planted tank of dbden tank i would have to agree
  15. so henward do the lng finns realy have blue eye or are they just black
  16. i have seen this theory work once before (not sure whos tank but remeber think wow) so one had itroduced young baby oscars to a tank with a copple of juwels chiclids , then even when the oscars were full grown(35cm) the juwel would chase them :bounce:
  17. he does look like he is pretty large compared to that other one in the photo
  18. yeah 10 of each would also spread the aggresion (if there is any) between the skool of danios and not the other fish
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