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Posts posted by amtiskaw

  1. :slfg: That's just the flash name for permethrin, which is the active ingredient in No Spiders and most insecticides. It's bad for fish and cats, so be careful when spraying...

    It's generally consider harmless, but there's some interesting stuff on Wikipedia, which makes me want to use it as little as possible, i.e not at all :

    Permethrin does not present any notable genotoxicity or immunotoxicity in humans and farm animals, but is classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a likely human carcinogen, based on reproducible studies in which mice fed permethrin developed liver and lung tumors.[10] Carcinogenic action in nasal mucosal cells due to inhalation exposure is suspected, due to observed genotoxicity in human tissue samples, and in rat livers the evidence of increased pre-neoplastic lesions raises concern over oral exposure.

  2. That looks like so much fun, I've always wanted to have a go at a combat wing.

    Nice save when the Elevator broke. Was there much damage done to other planes? any lost planes?

    BTW Whats the song playing and whos the artist?

    Combat is the most fun thing you can do with RC IMHO :bounce:

    No other damage during combat, the lift was so good that we weren't crashing when getting hit, and we could recover spins easily. The Fusion was actually still flyable with one elevator, but it was slow with the busted one flapping around and I kept getting hit, so I landed and taped it up - good old strapping tape :)

    A mate lost his old 3 meter glass ship when the elevator let go, and another guy started flying the wrong plane - he was wondering why he was getting no response, and by the time he realised he was looking at the wrong plane his was out of sight.

    You can make a really good combat wing from coroflute - I can hook you up with a plan if you want to give it a go - works out at about $35 if you get it laser cut + 2 servos a batt and receiver

    The song is Louder (Flux Pavilion & Doctor P Remix) I download quite a bit of wubwub from links off this site.

  3. Can you get a sample and have a look at it through a microscope? Try a local high school or Auckland Uni's bio dept if you don't have access to a scope. Might be a paper in it for some aspiring postgrad.

    I did some googling, but all I found was that thread on MFK, and they didn't know either :dunno:

    Get a priest in to exorcise your tank. That ectoplasm's bound to be attracting bad ju-ju! :evil: :nilly: :D

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