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Posts posted by amtiskaw

  1. I've got a 3e 2078, and it's very nice. I use the 12 hour bio function so the fish can rest with low flow at night :yaw1:

    Dunno if it's worth the extra as it's my first Eheim, but it's a great filter with a ton of media and a very strong, quiet pump.

    The only negative is it's a bit fiddly to prime and get going. By comparison, my cheap-ish Aqua-El self primes like a champ, is also very quiet, but doesn't have anywhere near the throughput.

    Mine keeps the water very clear.

  2. Yep, just a few emerald eye rasbora, but they are happy. The tank seems settled now, it's got that cycled feel to it.

    Plants seem to love the substrate. My hairgrass is spreading along tiny runners now, and the dwarf chain sword is almost right the way across the tank. Swords have almost tripled in size :)



    I asked the guy I got my lot from how he imported it, but no reply. I've contacted the manufacturer in the U.S to ask how to get more. Only just started the email conversation with them, but I'll post here when I've got some news.

    Have you tried the guy in this thread who said he can get it?

    I dug up some tea tree roots a couple of weeks ago. I'm almost ready to tear down the tank :bounce:


  3. I keep them because I want to know more about them, and I enjoy it.

    I keep them as I make money from it.

    I enjoy helping people realise that reptiles are not scary- that's why I do Kid's expo's and help people out.

    I look after my stuff...well.

    If I need advice i ask for it.

    Nothing wrong with doing things that benefit me and the animals I keep.

    There is something wrong with people who do things that make them feel good without any benefit to the animal....

    So it's not all about the animals, then - seems it's more about you :roll:

  4. Typical media reaction - "I felt calm when we were rolling" doesn't sell papers or generate clicks.

    I had an acquaintance who's ex was murdered a few years ago. After knowing the inside story, then seeing how the media distorted and sensationalised the facts, I don't trust anything I see in the media any more :-? It's only gotten worse with the transition to web based news. They are so desperate to generate site visits for ad revenue that they sensationalise everything now.

    RadioNZ is one of the few impartial web news sites, IMHO.

    Having said all that, you were fortunate not to be badly injured, or worse :bow:

  5. Crikey! I can imagine my satnav having a fit :D

    GPS "Take third exit on forth roundabout"

    Me "Which exit on which roundabout?"

    GPS "Recalculating... Take forth exit on second roundabout"

    Me "Forth exit on...damnit, that was the second one"

    GPS "Recalculating... Take forth exit on second roundabout"

    Me "But I was just on the second roundabout..."

    GPS "Recalculating... take third exit on forth roundabout"

    Me "What? You said that at the start! Screw you, stupid computer - I never really liked Swinden anyway!"

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