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Posts posted by amtiskaw

  1. Good music is not a fact, it's an opinion.

    +1 There's no point in arguing about something as subjective as music. Although I feel sorry for people who say there's been no good music since or that genre x is crap and I only listen to genre y.

    Try expanding your horizons a little, and use some interweb services to find some new bands for you. There's plenty of sites that'll let you put in some favs and then suggest something new for you.

    The interweb is an awesome source for music :bounce:

  2. How do you know they're staged shots?

    Becoming quite common now days, not 100% sure how it's achieved but I know they are set up shots. Not sure if the bugs are dead or glued but I cant imagine them sticking around after having all that water sprayed on them.


    This guy has been doing it for a while and has been in National Geographic a few times.


  3. its not but when the O2 content is higher (and CO2 lower) it will transfer a lot quicker, i.e. if the air was very high in CO2 then CO2 is going to be absorbed until the concentrations are more equal and virtually no O2 would be absorbed

    Agreed, but you've lost me again - I don't see what that has to do with what we're discussing? The air pumping through your airstone is the same as the air at the surface of the tank.

    I'd imagine the surface area of all the bubbles combined greatly exceeds the area of the tank's surface, therefore the gas exchange of a bubbler exceeds the gas exchange at the tank's surface surface, and the benefit is direct gas exchange by the bubbles, not just increased surface agitation.

    Maybe someone can google a reference on the rate of oxygen dissolution in a pressurized air bubble but I suspect it's not very quick. If you look at a planted tank you see lots of bubbles of pure oxygen being formed, and they seem to stick around for quite a while.

    Vaguely recalling high school physics, I'd have thought you'd get more gas dissolving into water if bubbles are at a higher pressure than ambient atmospheric pressure? But then I don't think bubbles would be at a higher pressure in just a meter or so of water anyhow.

    BTW, sorry to the OP for the hijack :oops:

  4. gas exchange does occur within the bubbles, but the surface of the tank far exceeds the bubbles for the gas exchange due to the fact the air is also constantly refreshing itself, that is why you get almost the same amount of as exchange from a powerhead breaking the surface than as from an airstone.

    Any chance you can link to some research that proves this? I don't get your refreshing comment, sorry. I wouldn't have thought each bubble's going to exhaust it's O2 exchanging capacity in the few seconds it's submersed?

  5. Oxygenation occurs at the surface of the water which is why the surface area of the water is used to calculate the carrying capacity of the tank.

    The air bubblers just breaks up the water surface which increases the oxygen exchange at the surface.

    I disagree. The surface area of the bubbles would far exceed the area of the tank's surface, so gas exchange is increased directly.

  6. @ Amtiskaw - where are the fish?

    Still on Earth at the moment. They're catching the next rocket up. Did you follow the link in my post above? It'll be really interesting to see how they adapt to micro-gravity in orbit :dead%fish :dead%fish :dead%fish :dead%fish :dead%fish

    I bet that's the most expensive aquarium ever, in terms of $$ per ml :o

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