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Posts posted by fordayzbro

  1. Being a large plant I would hazard a guess that a tiger lotus is a nutrient fiend, not that I have ever tried growing one before. Comprehensive is more of a trace element with a little NPK all-in-one, you might need to increase NPK dosing. How heavily planted is your tank?

  2. For those interested in setting up a Sodastream rig....

    My set-up and approx prices as follows:

    Sodastream bottle - $10 for 3 (1 bottle should last 2 months @ 1.5 bps, refills approx $12 from Farmers)

    Regulator with solenoid - $90 (make sure you get a regulator with solenoid so your Co2 is on a timer)

    Glassware - $20 (includes diffuser, check valve, drop checker and bubble counter

    Adaptor for Sodastream - $30 approx http://cgi.ebay.com.au/soda-stream-adap ... 41567d8a81

    Tubing - $10 (make sure it's Co2 proof)

    Shipping - $35 (I ordered lilypipes and other items to save on shipping)

    Under $200 for a very good Co2 rig

    Check out http://www.fish-street.com

    Essentially it's the same as any other Co2 rig, only you need an adaptor to fit the bottle. It is more expensive in the long run for refills but because I have 3 bottles, I never run out.

    Hope this is helpful, I can photograph the assembly when my new tank is up and running....

  3. Happy days....

    Picked up my custom Opti-clear tank this evening, 60x35x30cm. Very impressed with the build quality. And the glass, well the difference is clear...... :P

    Now I have to do it justice.


  4. Please excuse the reflectiveness of the photos, I think its my tanks rounded front or my awful camera skills :oops:


    I'm going to add some Glosso where the Hydrocotyle is, keeping it in that corner of the tank. Then I feel like there is some emptiness behind the Sword so may add some Val or other tall plant.. I'm also not 100% sold on the Ludwigia behind the Hydrocotyle :-? Any suggestions?

    Could you add the specs of the tank? I see you have Co2... What ferts are you dosing to maximise Co2?

    Throw as many plants in there as you can to minimise algae...

    Good start! :wink:

  5. I have.

    Most will tell you it's not worth it..... but I love the convenience of the refills. You can get bottles on TM for next to nothing

    Do your research and find which size bottle suits you best.

    Sodastream is not DIY BTW. If you want more info let me know.

  6. Hi all!

    Ive removed the bulk of my hair grass, the water is clear enough that I can see but I have a quick question:

    How should I remove the last bits of it?? Im going to take out what I can see but what if there will be roots left under the sand :o

    Ill be turning the tank into a heavily planted one so maybe it wont matter?

    pics please! I usually use a set of curved tweezers to hook under the runners, then carefully pull the hairgrass out trying not to disturb the substate too much. Hairgrass is pretty bulletproof. If you want to rescape your tank it's best to use a quantine tank filled with as much water from your exsisting tank and start it from scratch. Not everyone's method, but then at least you can take your time on the hardscape.

    Don't forget to trim the hairgrass before replanting, about 2cm sticking out of the substate. That way you get nice new growth coming through. :wink:

  7. I was lucky enough to be strolling through Hagley Park when it hit... Didn't have any idea how major it was til I hit Riccarton Rd. I've managed to get a flight home today. No sleep last night.

    All work collegues are accounted for, hope everyone from this forum are safe and well.

  8. Just chuck a little of everything in like I do :lol:

    Also - get a fluval M series heater. You won't regret it for a tank like yours.

    I'm trying to find a Hydor inline for a decent price. Will check out the Fluvals, cheers.

  9. Well - the CO2 seems to be working, at least as far as the ambulia and stargrass is concerned...it's already started shooting off rapidly. But the java fern has been taken out of the tank as it was dropping leaves quite quickly, and littering the rest of the tank. I've put it in my quarantine tank, and will see how it goes. I may be the first person in the world to fail at growing java fern!!


    TBH I've failed at growing Java fern.... :roll: It does tend to 'die off' a little, then come back to life when added into new conditions. Once established it's one of the best looking plants around IMO

  10. Not exactly; I don't want it if it's just going to die, so that's why fordaybro should trial it in his tank before he goes out of his way to ship it to people 8)

    Ha, It's still alive in a bowl of mineral water left in the window of my hotel....

    Not sure if it will survive in a tropical tank but my plan is to blast it with ferts, Co2 and light. If it works I'll be sure to pass it on. :wink:

  11. Thats a 10c piece.

    Do you have a closer photo?

    Its hard to tell. from what I can see it looks a bit like a piece of Terrestrial Moss or Liverwort.

    Sorry don't have a macro lens... I've trying to i.d this for the last 3 hours, so far I am leaning towards a liverwort. It was found fully submersed.


  12. I hope someone could help me identify this plant I found in a stream near Hamner Springs.

    Only a tiny sample was taken from a very abundant source, not sure if it is truely aquatic or not... I was thinking it could be a type of stringy liverwort...



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