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Posts posted by fordayzbro

  1. Looks awesum! Love the Dragon stone - where does one find some of that?

    From HHF, I usually buy a few nice pieces every now and then just to have a selection of hardscape materials

  2. No mechanical filtration? Or is that what that waver maker type thing on the RHS is?

    Running an Eheim 2224 with mech and bio. The wave maker is for extra flow to reduce the 'deadspots'

    The diffuser is now under the inlet pipe to increase Co2 distribution



    Due to a very busy schedule recently and being away from home a lot over the last 2 months, the tank has taken a slide. My family has been daily dosing ferts and keeping up with weekly water changes but it looks like my Co2 has run out at some stage resulting in a few algae outbreaks. I had to hack to glosso right back as it was growing all over itself causing the bottom layer to slowly die.


  4. so i got a new light. its a single 18watt t8 tube and i got me some new plants too add to the tank, but the same thing is happening. should i throw them all out and start again?

    Before you throw your plants out and start again, you need to look at what plants are suitable for your set-up.

    It's pointless adding plants that need high light, Co2 and plenty of ferts if your running a low tech tank.

    Could you please list the tank specs and the plants you are having troubles with?

  5. hey everyone, ive got grumpy with my plants dying again so ive done the normal co2 with ferts, question is, can you OD on ferts? Im using API Leaf Zone, and it says to dose 5ml per 10gal, or 38 litres, and to dose weekly, but this doesnt appear to be enough to make the plants live let alone thrive, any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    PS my LFS said that you can overdoes and kill everything in there.. but they have been wrong before..

    I think it only contains iron and potassium so lots of essentials missing.

    Try some PMDD from TM. should contain all micros and macros


    More moss and some Riccia added (thanks Sam!) Hairgrass and Glosso starting to spread nicely, the stems will be topped and replanted soon.

    A couple small outbreaks of diatoms but no other algae yet. Now full E.I dosing with 1.5mls of excel daily and Co2 running 1.5bps



    Needle leaf from the middle has been moved, I'm hoping now the glosso will fill that gap. Will switch to full E.I dosing this weekend. A few signs of diatoms but nothing major


  8. They look nice...... Depends on what you're wanting to do, these sorts of 'out of the box' tanks have limitations with lighting and filtration.

    It's like buying a stereo, do you go for the all in one system or buy individuel components?.... components will always have more flexibility.

  9. I have been trying to grow some cuttings from my stem plants but so far have only succeeded in producing loads of brown hairy algae.

    The plants are in a 40l poly box, substrate is jbl aquabasis with daltons washed sand and 'coffee grind' grit. They have diy co2. Lighting is 2 20w t8 tubes, both daylight, on for 8 hours a day.

    Is there something I am doing wrong? Plants are ambulia, green pine and babies tears

    40w for 40L sounds a bit much. Turn off one of the bulbs, manually remove as much as you can with a toothbrush and daily dose with excel. :wink:

  10. What a good job.

    Love it.




    10 Cardinals added.

    No signs of algae yet.... still waiting for the new tank diatoms to show, I'm reluctant to trim the plants until the algae stage is past. I'm only half EI dosing at the moment and have the Co2 running 1.5bps. Waterchanges are every 3 days.

    I'm not happy with the needle leaf in the middle, it's too distracting.


  11. I've always added CO2 to my tanks and I've never had any problems.

    I think maybe if I got better lighting, like T5HO, then my plants would have more light to photosynthesis and will use up more CO2 and produce more oxygen so I won't really have to worry about this problem occuring in the future. And I think ferts will be a good investment.

    I currently only have 100watts of T8 tubes on my tank at the moment :-? :lol:

    100w is quite a bit of light.... Ferts make the difference IMO, you will see unbelievable growth from your plants with the correct dosing. I would stay with your current set-up and get the fert routine sorted before upgrading to high powered lights.

    BTW, glad your fish are o.k :wink:

  12. UPDATE

    Now a holding tank, some fierce pearling going on with EI dosing. Will be running this tank till the new ones grown in.

    Sorry for the poor photo, was mucking about with back lighting. Way to bright.


  13. My tank is heavily planted.

    I changed the CO2 mixture during the day.

    I use 2x 3L juice bottles with 2 cups sugar and a couple of teaspoons of yeast per bottle. My tank has always been fine with this.

    I do not dose ferts, but I do dose Excel. I give the plants root ferts (peat moss with JBL balls). But I should think about getting some PMDD or some Flouish Comprehensive.

    Once I have a bit more cash I'll get a drop checker.


    Start dosing ferts and your plants will grow crazy... PMDD

  14. How heavily planted is your tank? It should be relevant to the amount of Co2 you are injecting.

    Also, all your fert dosing should be done in the morning before lights come on to encourage photosynthesis. By injecting Co2 you must match with increased fert dosing to make the most of it.

    Have you thought about investing in a dropchecker? I've seen them on TM for quite cheap and will give you an early warning when Co2 levels are dangerous.

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