not sure this is the right place for this post but...
my seamonkey tank (yes i have seamonkeys, i'm not responsible enough for fish) has grown what looks like an algae of some manner
at the moment it looks like 2 small balls of dark green fluff (~.5cm diameter) and floats during the day/ sinks at night (so is obviously photosynthesising)
but what might it be?
just curious
the whole place glowed wonderfully, but i got the impression of a cave full of LED's too
I kept thinking, ok this is the intro - now where are the real glow worms, and then it was over
I am so jelous, impressive collections all round
mine is only small yet, a handfull of NZ bugs and a couple of cambodian ones. but it shall grow - hopefully when i've finished moving about the place though
Doesnt Palmy have these already?
The round drain covers at least, the stormwater ones have a kokopu (or something like) on them and the sewers (?) have flax plants
or do you mean something else?