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Everything posted by steikheigel

  1. not sure this is the right place for this post but... my seamonkey tank (yes i have seamonkeys, i'm not responsible enough for fish) has grown what looks like an algae of some manner at the moment it looks like 2 small balls of dark green fluff (~.5cm diameter) and floats during the day/ sinks at night (so is obviously photosynthesising) but what might it be? just curious
  2. the whole place glowed wonderfully, but i got the impression of a cave full of LED's too I kept thinking, ok this is the intro - now where are the real glow worms, and then it was over
  3. Hi All Went to Owlcatraz today to see the glow worm caves Has anyone seen these? what did you think?
  4. I am so jelous, impressive collections all round mine is only small yet, a handfull of NZ bugs and a couple of cambodian ones. but it shall grow - hopefully when i've finished moving about the place though
  5. Doesnt Palmy have these already? The round drain covers at least, the stormwater ones have a kokopu (or something like) on them and the sewers (?) have flax plants or do you mean something else?
  6. Its the god of isolated cow byres, from Terry pratchett's MORT I was in the play once and it was my favourite line so stuck
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