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Everything posted by steikheigel

  1. Our hearts are with you and if anyone's lost glassware i have a spare tank here in Dunedin free (pending planning of transport) to anyone up there who needs it. this one : http://sofiewelvaert.wordpress.com/2011/04/05/mission-froghouse/ Sof
  2. freaking beautiful! i really need to come back to palmy and see how the whole thing turned out - curious to see what ended up in the final product. Wish i could have been there for the instal good work y'all exciting!!!!
  3. The one that was looking a bit dopy diddnt make it but on the upside the other 3 are looking great, currently chasing fruitflies with great enthusiasm Still not sure whats going on, hope it's all good now. Might just be one of those things but it would be nice to find a cause to make sure it doesn't happen again.
  4. Am in Dunedin and it's been a bit chilly the last few nights, but they are inside so it shouldn't have been too bad. Have a light somewhere, worth a try but i thought whistlers were nocturnal so would they bask? Food wise they are mostly pigging out on fruitflies but get whatever flies past really (small flies, moths etc...)
  5. Nope, bellies silvery brown as usual and yellow inner thigh
  6. lost one of my little whistlers today &c:ry seemed a bit sluggish last night and this morning, belly up this afternoon. but why? looks healthy enough (asides from being dead), fat ish, colour normal. another one a bit sluggish this arvo. Dark colour but has been under a rock so that might not be a hint, might just be that its day and cold so slow. Perhaps they need to be somewhere warmer? hope i don't loose them all!!!!
  7. cool thanks! Will attempt to assemble it this weekend, wish me luck!
  8. I've finally got time to have a go at putting my tank together, i spent the last few hours scraping and scrubbing off the old silicone and i realize, i don't actually know how to silicone a tank together Have had a look at previous posts but still a little lost Do i put a line on silicone along an edge i want to join , then squish it into place? or do i tape the tank together (on the outside) and lay a bead of silicone along each edge on the inside, pushing it into the corner and smoothing it out as I go?? And how much silicone will i need? is one tube enough, or are more likely to be required??
  9. I've finally got time t have a go at it and i realize, i don't actually know how to silicone a tank together Have had a look at previous posts but still a little lost Do i put a line on silicone along an edge i want to join , then squish it into place? or do i tape the tank together (on the outside) and lay a bead of silicone along each edge on the inside, pushing it into the corner and smoothing it out as I go?? And how much silicone will i need? is one tube enough, or are more likely to be required??
  10. Better to get it right now i suppose It is going to be in my living room so really needs to not leak at all so a total do-over it is Now, off to find out how to do this thing, an interesting mission Thanks
  11. Hey all I've just had a hand-me-down tank left on my doorstep (cool prezzie!) it's rather bigger than what i really need but has so much wonderful potential. I have grand plans for a future frog home - but first it needs some mending. It has a couple of leaks at one end which need dealing to before I put anything in it. While the silicone seems pretty old, and a bit rough round the edges it still does the job, mostly. I have a tube of aquarium safe silicone seal and could patch the holes - but is it better to scrape off the old and re-stick the whole tank? I've never done anything like this before, it seems big but possible (will have to dig up some tank building threads, and prob buy some more silicone). patching would be easier, but which is better?? oh, the tank dimensions are approx 82cm long x 38cm deep x 55cm tall Just had another look (ie cleaning), it seems the leaks are only in the bottom seal, could i remove and replace just the bottom edges (ie around the whole bottom panel)? or is that just excessively complicated?
  12. Hey all I just wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful learning i've got from y'all through reading your posts problems and solutions. After much wishing I've got froggies again and a great tank build oppertunity so all the ideals and cool ideas can be brought into reality :happy2: well.... .....i hope so If you're interested in the build i'm sure you'll hear plenty from me here in terms of Help! questions, and in the DIY section. But i'll be following the frog project on my blog too, with lots of pictures so feel free to have a nosey (and make lots of comments on where i've gone wrong?!) :bounce: find me at www.sofiewelvaert.wordpress.com love ya!
  13. Beautiful! I would if i wasn't at the other end of the country Please don't cook them, unless you intend to eat them that is. Theyre pretty brilliant critters. Are you brave enough to destroy the web with a twig? do it enough and they tend to move on.
  14. sounds promising, will ask around if anyone local has some to spare
  15. Havnt tried anything yet wondering where to find the sacrificial baby fish - petshop?
  16. not exactly the right place for this, but blonde moment = wasnt sure where to put it In my care i currently have two wonderful Dolomedes spiders, and theres lots of talk on what/how they eat. I want to test the theory that they will 'fish' for small fish and waterbugs - so i would like some fish to feed to them Any ideas on where to get some freshwater fish larvae (in Dunedin)? probably doesn't matter what kind, but who really knows.
  17. Hi guys Saw various 'nano' tanks about the place and love the look of them, would be nice to set one up. but I also saw some super cute Khuli (sp) loaches what sort of tank size do they need any other hints?
  18. I find this site to be pretty good for bug id's http://soilbugs.massey.ac.nz/ But alas, my spider is not on either of them if only i hadn't squashed it (if it haddnt crawled up my arm in the dark it might still be alive)
  19. the markings on the abdomen were similar, but the rest of it was black and shiney (like ants are)
  20. No photos sorry, the entomologist in me got a bit of a look though, before the girl with the phonebook took over :-? but there was a spider, and it moved alot like an ant, and was similar in body shape. but was alot bigger (~2cm along legs and all) shiney black with little white markings on its abdomen, but not a whitetail (was the wrong shape for that) a little like a juvenile whitetail but blacker and rounder in the abdomen. Never seen one like it, so thought i'd ask if anyone has an idea although due to the phonebook incident not a great chance of an ID
  21. Never mind I kept forgetting to get a picture, then a hot sunny day did cook all my seamonkeys Epic pet fail might have to stick with the few plants i have left
  22. Whitebait tend to be made up of 5 species inanga Koaro 3x species of Kokopu (shortjaw, giant and banded). but you dont need a licence, just try to be eco friendly when you 'collect' them. and for more info Stella is the one to talk to
  23. that would be awesome, if i wasnt about to move house i would totally want one! :bounce:
  24. was just curoius as to what it might be, will try to get a pic tonight got them for my birthday, after a tragic year of pet ownership. Very rewarding pets (in my opinion, but apparently i'm wierd for saying theyre cute :roll: )- but cant be so different to brine shrimp and an airstone
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