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  1. Looks great P44 You can blame me if the bars are not quite perfect, I did try my best for you!
  2. Don't do it. Not unless you have seperate enclosures to be able to move them to when the fighting gets out of hand. They have a large territory too, so you are much better off keeping 1 skink per 4 foot enclosure, rather then having a larger 8 foot + for multiple skinks. Even the free roaming house skinks will still fight and they have a much larger territory, you must have the means to seperate them.
  3. What do you think they started out with? The same will happen here if the right people have the right animals.
  4. Considering how long they have been available, and unless you had them before you were supposed to. I would put a good majority of that down to luck.
  5. With out the grammar there really is no way to understand the intentions to any post, let alone one that is trying to convey specific information. I have also been watching trademe, as I too am a huge fan of leopard geckos, and keenly interested in the gene pool in NZ. I feel at this stage most leo breeders are going to give the species a bad name as being sickly and difficult to care for in the long run, there are however some exceptions and my apologies for naming but Alanmin is one of those exceptions. The difference is he understands the bigger picture, experience and dedicated research mixed with good intentions and a true passion means that his animals will be the best leo's in country, regardless of morphs. I would be ashamed of myself :sick:
  6. Hermit Crab shell change. http://youtu.be/_x2W2JLrJ2k
  7. Sunset Wrasse in cold water. Oblique-swimming triplefin Mediterranean fanworm
  8. The warehou were caught underneath jellyfish. And photo 3 post 2 is a sea cucumber, took the opportunity to get those interesting mouth parts photographed
  9. It's a bobtail squid, at times a silicone blobtail. :roey:
  10. Young Warehou And a few more various images
  11. I think the $2500 cost is "grossly overkill" for the average hobbyist. I do think it is a neat system, very cool indeed. Thanks for sharing David. I have never had such dirty filters that needed so much maintenance so I would sooner put that cost towards a larger volume of water. I can see it's use in over stocked tanks, and tanks where food is "power fed" to try and increase stock size.
  12. Hmmm I wonder if I told doc thats the standard rate they would pay me more.... :dnc1:
  13. Oh geez Ira, I should have thought they would end up being in someones back yard! I think I should get ya some dosh to catch me a couple and send em to me
  14. I've turned over rocks and logs for the best part of 30 years now, I have only ever seen them 3 times including this one. I really want a vinegaroon, but am not prepared to live in America for just one crittter, so next on the list is a peripartus! Although that would only be observation, I wouldn't want to remove one from its habitat.
  15. My new friend, I have always been interested in centipedes, and have wanted something from the scolopendra family for a very long time. Well I got lucky when out hunting for reptile food, I found this wee chappy under a rotting log. He's already eaten a mealworm, so seems happy enough. Sorry for the picture quality, using a cell phone camera. I tried to put a pen next to it so the size was comparable, but it got very aggressive towards the pen and I didn't want to stress it out. He's about half his adult (8cm) size maybe a lil more. My best guess is male, as his is terminal legs are long and slender, as is his body but I want to capture another few to get a real understanding of the difference. Maybe Ill post a care sheet as I learn more 8) I hope you enjoy seeing it as much as I do, although I think its a taste that is acquired.
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