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Posts posted by N1CK

  1. I think red pine/the green one at the back, a few plants of dwarf sag. around the rocks then glosso planted everywhere else (keep the types of plants in odd numbers ;))

    or all glosso..

    moss is also a pain in the A*** when it comes to pruning it, it manages to get everywhere if you aren't very careful

  2. Rotala Macrandra would look nice at the back,

    Yes, a bit of colour would be nice, I had a tank with just HC when I was in London and just want to try a different style with this..... but just glosso eh.. hmmm

    you could try a glosso foreground, then maybe sprouts of hair grass/smaller crypt(maybe? o:) around the rocks (if only we had downoi here...) then a stemish plant towards the back corners? maybea finer leafed stem like red pine

  3. (from other thread)

    naah, don't get them here. but my clown loaches would love to say "herrow" to them :o :lol:

    LIES!!! :evil:

    Is that glare to go with that nice green eye, N1CK?

    no it isn't, lol I just found an Osum pic that is now the background of my comp, then proceeded to steal the eye from it :D

  4. If you have enough plants I see no reason why it shouldn't

    The logic behind it is that it removes nutrients as a limiting factor of plant growth, leaving only the need for Light/CO2. then you need to start pumping CO2 as this is the next easiest thing to get to good levels

    Then, All you need to worry about is get the light correct

    Although 50% water changes once a week are the best thing too do (means no skipping them!) as it resets the nutrient levels

    this should help the plants to out compete the algae and give them less than ideal growing conditions

    P.S Advice is spelt with a C btw :)

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