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    new plymouth nz

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thought I would bump this up and see if we could raise enough interest to start up our club again. :dunno: :dunno:
  2. Currently trialing garlic as a treatment for all that ails them.
  3. Hi After all the strains that were introduced recently I would like to find someone with some blues or yellows they want to sell. I currently have a red snake skin type. Neill
  4. Hi I to like Kuhli loaches and have about 12 in my tank. I use Daltons aquatic mix about 1 and 1/2 inches and Daltons propagating sand 1 and 1/2 inches again (purchased from the warehouse and washed before use) because the tank is planted my loaches think they are hiding under the plants so they are always out and about. My plants also grow well. Neill
  5. Hi Seems a shame not to be able to get them. What is your recipe luke as I would like to try it.
  6. Hi Have been reading on the internet about medicated fish foods and was wondering if anyone has seen these here in New Zealand.
  7. Gave up on vodka as had no success purchased some erethromyacin from vet for $5 addes some more light, Alge gone plants growing better than ever. Neill
  8. neill


    Purchase a flying fox or a siamese alge eater. very good for keeping BBA down. Also recomend the Flourish worked a treat for me. Neill
  9. Hi Cesarz Can you please expand on the plants in sterile containers as it may be worth looking into. Neill
  10. Hi Just wondering what the medicine was as I have experianced this before and the only way I found toget rid of it was to remove the sick at the first sign and euthenase them. Regards Neill
  11. Hi Best bet is to buy six Juvies and let them mature and pair off naturally. This takes about nine months or if you are really in a hurry buy a breeding pair off trade me or ask on here under trade and exchange. Regards Neill
  12. Do I need to do anything special when treating my bristlenoses for whitespot. Am intending on going for a formalin treatment to be kinder to my plants. Any advise would be great as I find my BNs dont handle chemicals very well. Regards Neill
  13. Hi flourish excel will dissolve some plants eg valisnera from my experiance with it. Regards Neill
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