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Everything posted by silva

  1. Thanks rox they're doing well, the 2 girls are getting hounded a bit but going to look at the lfs in new plymouth this weekend (if i can find it) and see if any female sword tales or different color girls up there Well i might move the danios to a separate tank soon as one of the spotties is very fat and round, and the zebras at first light in morning are what looks to me like they're doing their thing. Haven't seen any eggs though i do have 8 loaches in there
  2. hi new to the hobbie from sth taranaki, ive got a 160L and a 25L tanks so far and fish are 6 yellow sunset platies - 2 blueish platies 2 zebra danios and 2 leopard danios,- does anyone know if they can crossbreed? 2 green tiger barbs - 2 barbs - not sure which kind they are- 5 kuhli loaches - 2 clown loaches 1 yoyo loach - 1 bristlenose Havent got pics of all my fish yet as some are new editions and some camera shy. Lost a few rosy barbs before i learnt about cycling the tank
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