So you are looking to get some decent pictures I can tell you that the bar is set very high and you need to go a long way to accomplish that but if you are interested in just pictures to display on the screen it is a bit different. Decent pictures are high resolution sharp photos(300 dpi) and there can be no compromise on image quality for high quality publications. A DSLR camera and macro lense are the best choice for fish photography. In the past I used point and shoot and a compact digital camera and the results were very frustrating. I bought my first DSLR and the result is just what I wanted for a long time. It did cost me a bit but now I am selling my photos and getting some money back. There is a huge learning curve, image processing, Photoshop skills etc so you have to learn how everything works. Once you know how and what you have to do, no doubt you will be getting decent pictures. This is just my personal opinion based on my long time fish photography.