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Everything posted by boban_nz

  1. Rhinecanthus aculeatus - Picasso triggerfish and Acanthurus sohal - Sohal surgeonfish Pygoplites diacanthus - Regal angelfish Wyoming White Clownfish Coral reef
  2. Mesonauta festivus - Festive Cichlid Betta splendens - Female Crowntail Siamese Fighting Fish Danio aesculapii - Panther danio Symphysodon aequifasciatus - Stardust discus
  3. Verification of Alternanthera sessilis ’Red’ species in cultivation within New Zealand Botanical name: Alternanthera sessilis Synonyms: A. denticulata R. Brown, A. glabra, A. nodiflora R. Brown, Gomphrena sessilis L., Illecebrum sessile L. Common name: Rubra, A. sessilis var. rubra, A. sessilis 'Lilacina', Sessile Joyweed, A. sessilis 'Rosaefolia etc https://www.beke.co.nz/slike/gluposti/Alternanthera sessilis.pdf
  4. Dianema urostriatum - Flagtail catfish
  5. Verification of Lindernia rotundifolia species in cultivation within New Zealand Botanical name: Lindernia rotundifoliaSynonyms: Bonnaya rotundifolia, Ilysanthes rotundifolia, Morgania rotundifolia Common name: Baby’s Tears, Roundleaf Lindernia, Roundleaf Flase Pimpernel In the aquarium plant trade in New Zealand Lindernia rotunndifolia has been traded under various names eg. Rotala indica, Bacopa monnieri etc.The plants of L. rotunndifolia were obtained from a wholesale distributor and aquatic plant nursery in New Plymouth, New Zealand. This document provided a written description and images of L. rotunndifolia to support positive identification of the plant. https://www.beke.co.nz/slike/gluposti/Lindernia rotundifolia.pdf
  6. A positive identification of Rotala rotundifolia using dichotomous key. Rotala - PDF file
  7. Echinodorus grisebachii - Amazon swords
  8. Rotala wallichii - Submersed grown plant
  9. Finally it is almost done! I still need more plant information eg water quality, temperature etc but in order to identify an aquatic plant that you often see in a pet shop in New Zealand that information is not critical. I hope that somebody may find this catalogue useful. https://www.beke.co.nz/slike/gluposti/biljke.pdf
  10. I wish I was that lucky From my garden Helpis minitabunda - Bronze hopper Black headed jumping spider - Trite planiceps Leucauge dromedaria
  11. The file has been updated Aquatic Plant Catalogue - Hydroponically Grown Plants in New Zealand
  12. Very nice pond No it is not illegal, Elodea canadensis is allowed for aquarium use in New Zealand
  13. This is my on going project about Hydroponically Grown Aquarium and Pond Plants in New Zealand . https://www.beke.co.nz/slike/gluposti/biljke.pdf
  14. Zeylanicobdella arugamensis ( Marine Leech) has been reported to be the most dangerous ectoparasite affecting a wide range of fish species. Host mortality usually occurs within a few days period following infestation due to secondary infections with pathogenic bacteria such as Vibrio alginolyticus.
  15. Bacopa monnieri Bacopa lanigera - Giant babies tears Alternanthera Sessilis (Alternanthera polygonoides is a synonym of Alternanthera sessilis ) Alternanthera reineckii - Red Hygrophila
  16. Lysimachia nummularia - Moneywort Lindernia rotundifolia Hygrophila Corymbosa
  17. Dwarf rasbora - Boraras maculatus, just a random footage.
  18. Saururus Cernuus - Mouse Ear Echinodorus cordifolius - Marble Sword Echinodorus Osiris - Osiris Sword Alternanthera reineckii - Red Hygrophila Bacopa monnieri - Baby’s tears
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