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Posts posted by Lucid

  1. Hope you get some, they are not cheap.

    You would be able to house only A FEW YES.

    Will be in touch if we decide to save our young. (unless the Pictus get them first, lol)


  2. Mystic said: "Mohawk? WHERE!" :o :lol:

    Looks like you guys had a great day, so glad you are getting all the help thats needed, keep it up guys, you have so many thankful people behind you! Mystic and I wishing we could have helped, maybe we will move up and help all the time aye? Ha!

    Cant wait to see some more photos, anyone got some more?

    Now how can we all hep for the funding etc?

    Still lots of work to be done, and so many caring people to help.



    Lucid & Mystic

  3. Photos Of The Open Day:










    Sunday October 12, 2008.

    WOW! What an incredibly successful Open Day we had yesterday, with people pouring into the Park throughout the day. The final tally of people was just under 3,000, Mark lost count at 563 cars, and we raised $2553!!! Oer $850 came in as donations, $426 was raised by the sausage sizzle, and $220 at the Garage Sale, with the rest coming from drink, food, and souvenir sales.

    For many, Clarry, one of our white cockatoos, was the star of the show, and spent much of the day surveying his domain from the dead tree stump outside the office. That said, kids were delighted by the Petting Zoo, and everyone was astounded by the amount of material that is now in the Natural History Museum in the Reptile Room. Many families brought a picnic lunch down which they enjoyed by the Lake, or in the BBQ area, and kids loved exploring the Fernery and Bush Walk. Visitors were astounded by the amount and variety of animals at the Park, and about how much is on offer at Living Art.

    One of the most frequently heard comments was "We had no idea there was so much down here to see and do", which reminded us of a visitor who once compared Living Art to the Tardis, stating "It's much bigger on the inside". Visitors who had been before, but a while ago, were astounded by the amount of work that has gone on at the Park over the last year - particularly within the Reptile Room and Aquarium.

    The Park would like to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who helped make the Park such a successful day. A big thank you to The Weekend Sun who ran a story about the upcoming Open Day - and a special thank you to Alexa from the Sun who spent the entire day volunteering at the Park running the Garage Sale for us with Ingrid. Another HUGE THANK YOU to all the other volunteers who helped out on the day - Alan, Chris, Courtenay, Heather, Hillary, Jethro, Kaz, Leon, Lewis, Mike & Fiona and Family, and a thank you to the 15 people who signed up to become volunteers at the Park in the future. Thanx, also, to all the Greerton retailers who handed out flyers promoting the Open Day - many people turned up at the Park clutching the flyers - and thanx also to Emma, who organised for us to have 2,000 flyers delivered at the Mount and Papamoa.

    If you missed out on the Open Day, why not come down and see what everyone else is now talking about? We're open 10.00am to 6.00pm seven days a week, and entry is much cheaper than taking the family to McDonalds or the movies!


    Fantastic photos, thanx for that. :)


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