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Posts posted by Lucid

  1. Old_Tank01.sized.jpg

    This is the old tank


    here is another, this is the tank i will divide into two parts and use to breed


    this is just a close up of some of my gold barbs, but can anyone spot the zebra danio?


    This is my new tank and stand courtesy of my father, he has made the whole thing.


    first stage of getting the tank ready

    more pics to come but thought i would try and ressurrect the old pics first

  2. I'm so excited i am moving into a new tank and can use my old tanks to breed now. :D

    I will keep you all posted with pics ont he development of the tank but will post a pic of the tank and cabinet for now.

    The tank and cabinet were built by my father as an engagement present for me and my partner, i am lucky he is a fish enthusiast as well. :roll:

  3. I have just picked up two Bolivian Rams and was wondering if anyone can help me work out if they are males or females or (hopefully) one of each.

    I am quite excited about this as it is my first step away from my comfort zone of tetras and barbs that i have always had, any help on these would be muchly appreciated.

  4. animates have had them a couple of times and i was thinking of setting up a species tank for them and maybe trying to breed them, but really know next to nothing about them and can't find much on them, or i'm looking in all the wrong places.

  5. Picked my two gold gourami's today and treated myself to a sword plant, quite a nice one with long leaves and purplish in colour.

    I have to get a digital cam as telling people never is the same as showing off your new babies. :lol:

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