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Posts posted by Jaide

  1. It was a beauty! My office is on the top floor of our building (only 9 levels but still lots of rolling and shaking). Was interesting watching the windows shake of the building across the road....then I got told off for not going under my desk, but pfft, I'd miss it all if hiding away!

  2. wowww stunning ronnie! and they are HUGE! how long have you had them? they look surprisingly relaxed :)

    edit: jaide discus prefer a deeper tank as their bodies are long from top to bottom. i think also the depth helps them feel safer from skyward threats. nice looking discus too btw!

    That's interesting, I just moved them to a shallower tank and they got frisky.....


  3. I want to remove one of the shelves of this stand so I can fit in a SunSun filter (the filter is too tall to sit on the shelf) - is the shelf acting as bracing so I can't do this? If so, what about cutting a hole in it for the filter to fit through instead?


  4. in other news, I hacked my finger.

    I was chopping with a sharp knife and shaved a slice off the top of my middle finger nail through and about a 5mm circle off the top of the skin underneath. A bit like when you skin your knuckle or grate your finger, as I have done before. It hurt and it bled. &c:ry

    I've done that, I sliced the tip of my pinky. It reattaches itself so no harm done :)

  5. Maybe we should stop using the term "wild" by itself and differentiate between "wild caught" and "wild type", as there is quite a difference between the two.

    Ron and Hovmollers discus are "wild caught", meaning they were fished out of the Amazon somewhere and imported into New Zealand. When they breed them (note 'when', not 'if'.. 8) ) their offspring will be "wild type", meaning they are captive bred wild strains as opposed to most captive bred discus which are selectively bred "fancy" strains.

    I have seen some on TradeMe listed as F1 captive bred from wild parents. How true this is I'm not sure as I haven't seen the fish or met the breeder, though I gather he does have a pretty serious set up and a good reputation with discus?

    Thank you, that's a great explanation :thup:

    So is one type considered inferior or superior to the other? I was told I have wilds like it was a bad thing (meaning wild type as I seriously doubt mine were fished from the Amazon) :wink:

  6. Yes I did, I ummed and aahed about the stand - I wanted to see it before buying but it was the only 4 footer for sale and came with everything needed to set it up so just did the buy now as I need it fairly urgently. I'm not picking it up until next weekend as I won't have the transport to do it until then, but I'm going out today to have a look at it anyway.

    I did an add to buy a stand in the WTB section - but do you know anyone who could make one for me? I'd need it done by next weekend if possible though.


  7. I was going just over 100kph on the motorway behind a truck, nowhere near under. Also plenty of room to pass on the inside or outside when I changed lanes. Usually when I motion to the driver they back off or pass, not this guy! :facepalm:

    Then I agree, the guy was an idiot *insert Livingart's slapping smilie*

  8. What's up? I'm having a rage after being closely tailed in the rain by a driver whose vocabulary doesn't contain the term "following distance". After motioning for them to back off, they decided to turn on their high beams and follow even closer. They even followed me so intensely they almost missed their off ramp and had to swerve across two lanes to make it. Idiot :evil:

    What speed were you doing and what was the speed limit? I find many drivers are too slow these days and drive well below the speed limit, rather than too fast (I hardly ever see anyone going over the limit or much over) and yet so many are doing a good 20k below and yep, that gets my goat. I'm one of those who will get up behind you if you're going too slow, but I never do the headlight thing - that's excessive.

    Usually (but not always) the driver in front will speed up or move over to let me pass, and if they won't do the speed limit, so they should.

  9. I found the first two seasons of the US 'The Killing' dragged but the 3rd season is really exciting.

    And did anyone watch the first episode of the 8th season of Dexter yet? I watched it tonight and it looks like it is going to be a great season, hopefully better than the last two.

    I think there are less discs with the US season 1. The Danish version has 20 episodes, each an hour long!

    I think I'm only up to season 6 for Dexter.

  10. ok gotta ask, opinions on "The Almighty Johnsons"

    imo a bunch of rich self absorbed idiots getting given money to show how bad they can act and how bad they can write.

    (this is a family friendly forum)

    wouldn't care if it wasn't for the additional taxpayer funding.

    Is that the one with the brothers being Gods? I watched two episodes and canned it, didn't grab me at all - I think when it went on about the youngest brother needing to shag some girl for some stupid reason, it just put me off. Ridiculous story.

    Gee, I sound like negative nellie in this thread "don't like this, don't like that" :rotf:

    Watched episode 4 of the Danish version of The Killing - does the US version drag as much as this does? :yaw2:

    5 more discs to go - aagh! :nilly:

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