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Everything posted by crazyzoo

  1. I put my Honey Gourami's in this tank and the Cichlids were a lot happier.....now someone has told me that these two types of fish can't live together.......
  2. Good news-I now have 17 happy healthy Clown's
  3. I have 2 large tanks set up, but not sure which are the best fish to go with each other. I have Clown Loaches (17), Marble Angel fish (2), Honey Gourami (2), Blue Spot Gourami (2), Blue Dolphin Cichlids (13) and 2 large Pleco (which are separated as they fight). I currently have my Blue Dolphins with a Pleco and the 2 Honey Gourami's and have been told that it is not a good idea?! They all seem to be fine and not fighting....any suggestions?
  4. I have 13 Blue Dolphins which I have put into another tank (set up as a rocky Malawi lake as opposed to a normal community tank) with exactly the same water conditions, and they are just sitting around the bottom of the tank. They were with Clown Loaches and Gouramis, now by themselves-would this make a difference? Any suggestions how to get tham back to there active selves
  5. I find the big clown's are quite tough, but the small ones don't tolerate much at all. All the ones I have bought from the pet shop have died (3-4cm), but the 7 large ones I have that i bought have survived all sorts of changes (tank upgrades, new fish etc). Trying to get hold of big clowns proves to be very difficult though
  6. I thought doing 2 x a week (25%) would solve the problem....but it doesn't seem to be working....mind you all the loaches seem happy and crazy as
  7. All still alive Only thing is my nitrates sitting at 10......not sure what else to do. Doing water changes 2 times weekly and got plants???
  8. I would rather try something natural.....I removed the carbon in my filters cos that was causing problems. I might try more plants.....see how that goes.
  9. I have been trying twice weekly water changes (25%), vacuum sustrate once a week and clean out my filter medium every couple of weeks (rinse in aquarium water). But levels still won't go ny lower. Not sure what else I can do, or should I just leave as is?
  10. I can't seem to get my Nitrate level below 10....is this ok? I have good filtration, tanks are planted (both tanks have Nitrate of 10), and ammonia and nitrites at 0. I don't think I am overfeeding as only feed once a day a small pinch of food, and cucumber couple of times a week. Any suggestions? :-?
  11. Hi Mac I have 9 clown's, and am on the look out for a 500l tank at the moment. It has been 2 weeks since I have acquired the last 6...so all good so far, as before they would have died by now Everything else is set up as recommended. Thanks
  12. Will these guys be safe together? I am thinking of buying a 500 litre tank and combining my 2 200l tanks fish.
  13. Hi all. Well so far all the loaches seem happy and healthy! Just one question though.....would it be possible that they could eat a Neon Tetra?! 1 has gone missing....and I checked the whole tank for a body.....and can't find it??? :-?
  14. Thanks for all the advice....I have acquired 6 bigish clowns and added to my tank. I have temp at 28, and amm 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate below 5. Got lots of filtration, water movement...will teast water every day for a while to ensure all the conditions are perfect....fingers crossed!!!
  15. I buy 2 at a time. Ammonia is at 0. Tank has lots of hideaways, well planted, good filtration, lots of water movement.....I am at a loss.
  16. Tank is at 26.....I will turn up to 28...hopefully my other fish survive.....they include Gourami's, BN, rasbora's and tetras. Thanks
  17. I don't have much luck with Clown Loaches....I have them a few days and they die?! I have a 200l tank, Amm/Nitrites at 0, Nitrates below 5, pH 6.5. I have had 2 for about 6 months, but have tried to introduce a couple more twice....and they die. No symptoms of ich or anything else....just lay on their sides/have trouble swimming for 24 hours then.... Any suggestions please.
  18. crazyzoo

    to many pets ?

    I have: 1 dog 3 cats 20 fish (of course)..........and 5 kids
  19. Thanks peoples I will take your suggestions gladly....not used to having such a big fish to feed! He (or she) has not got any tank mates at the moment as someone told me he would eat them.....and after seeing him chase after a piece of cucumber which came off the spoon last night I would believe it...he was fast! Of course would also welcome any suggestions on suitable tank mates that won't end up DINNER!
  20. I have just acquired a large common pleco (he is about 40cm). I was just wondering how much to feed him. I have bought Hikari Algae Wafers. I have tried starting with one in the morning and one at night, but he gobbles it up in minutes. Last night I also gave him 2 slices of cucumber....that lasted most of the evening. Can anyone tell me any indicators of whether he is getting enough to eat or not? Thanks
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