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Everything posted by crazyzoo

  1. What sort of choice is that!!!!??? Ummmmm that is so hard........hold on, my fish are in my family
  2. I don't have flyspray in the house cos of my fishtanks.....but if that appeared i would be rushing out to buy some
  3. Cleaner, cook, and chaffeur....thats my unpaid jobs as a mother.............Manage an Early Childhood Centre, but actually trained as a nurse
  4. Linkin Park Evanescense Madonna Pink Floyd Seether Aerosmith Nickelback Queen Roxette Berlin Not in any particular order lol
  5. I was being polite....as us Virgo's are :roll:
  6. Hi Excessive algae usually develops because of all/either: over feeding, too much light, and not enough plants. How new is your tank, what sort of set up is it?
  7. Once carbon is "full" it can't be rinsed out....in fact it starts putting stuff back into your water......Activated carbon can only be repurified under intense heat, in kiln-like structures-it is cheaper to buy new carbon then repurify even for commersial purposes. I don't think there is any use for carbon unless you are removing medications. Otherwise sponges, bioballs and ceramics are great
  8. Nice chart....good to see there are a few Virgo's on board to help support my theory. Just looked in my Astrology book for info on Sagittarians......nothing about fish, but they do have a tendency to share information more than others........so I encourage all people reading this to don't be shy, and put your starsign down I wonder if more Sagittarians post on this forum than anyone else because of their love to share?!
  9. Cool....I wonder if my husband will let me put a huge fish on the front of my house?!
  10. Oh well if that happens I'll just have to find a new home for them......I've got a spare tank hanging around somewhere. I mght have to give those pretty jewels a miss then....I don't want them eaten....but they so pretty ......
  11. All fish still accounted for and I can't see any aggressive behaviour.....just swimming around, certainly no chasing! Thanks for everyones advice.....tank much improved already
  12. Hpoefully they behave! At the moment everything seems ok....lets hope I still have all the fish in the morning. Still keen on some red ones too though.....will give it a couple of weeks to make sure everyfish happy
  13. I would like to come along this Wednesday...is it ok to bring my 14 year old son too.....he has fish too?
  14. Oh gosh....I forgot Nemo bubble bath, Nemo ball, and of course....Nemo the movie
  15. Well what do you know....just purchased 4x 10cm Dragonblood Cichlids and put into my tank with the Dolphins.....Dolphins are ecstatic....they are happily following the nice yellow fish round and round the tank!!! My tank even looks brighter (must be cos I can actually see the fish), so now I'm definitely more enthused. Now for something red.....that won't get eaten lol. ps Plekky still hiding under rock but gonna get peeved off soon as one of the Dragonblood keeps swimming over his face :evil:
  16. Thanks Mystic...I just asked a question about your Jewels on Trade Me.
  17. I bet you can get some cool frog ornaments.....I saw aomeone a while back who had a cute frog tattoo on their shoulder....was sitting on a pink lily pad :bounce:
  18. big dogs Chocolate or vanilla
  19. I have nothing better to do this evening then spend time on here.....but what fish decor do people have round the house....not including your tanks. I have: 5 Fish tiles in my bathroom A fish radio in my shower A fish painting in my kitchen, one in my entranceway, and one in my lounge A fish quilt hanging in my lounge (beautifully made by my sister) A painted ceramic pot with a fish on it in my lounge A mosaic fish tissue box holder by my computer and to top of my obsession a fish (Koi) tattoo
  20. Everyone knows Pisces is the fish star sign, but Virgo is Pisces opposite sign....like complement each other........bit like the male or female thread I'm interested to see if fish enthusiasts are mainly one of these 2 star signs. I'm a ..................Virgo
  21. I'm not sure whether all those fish are compatible....The Ghostfish may eat your tetras, and the pleco might just suck onto the side of your Discus (that need a very specialist tank).....and Clown Loaches prefer to be in groups of 5 or more. Keep up the water changes every couple of days
  22. Thanks for your help....I see "prettypaige" has some lovely Electric Yellows.....pity I don't go near Bulls. I will have to keep an eye on some Wellington traders. Those Electric Yellows look awesome
  23. I don't think it is where the tank is positioned as they were absolutely fine when the Gourami was in there, but Gourami was yellow so maybe I will look for some yellow cichlids...to hopefully get them swimming again and put some colour into the tank. I would like some red too....so what do people recommend for yellow and red cichlids that will be ok with my dolphins?
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