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Everything posted by newaqua

  1. Penguin Tetra, and what was sold as a Pakistani Loach, but isnt, not sure what it is, but these will not be being replaced when they die, so Im trying to stay away from tank mates fitting their specifications if you know what I mean, im more focused on the Jurupari.
  2. Yea, the bottom is covered well, its 200L, but not the average tank, the floor area is massive, its about 1,200 by 700, there is alot of room, and the filter it has is for a 400L tank, plus all the extra sand keep it filtered to a tank that I used to have of about 400L. So Bio strain isnt an issue, and ill stop before it gets to over crowded, as I said im only looking for about 4 or 5 fish.
  3. Hello All. Tank Mate Suggestions would be appreciated. I have: 3x Large (5-6 inch) Jurupari 3X Medium Jurupari (2-3 inch) 9x Albino catfish (around an inch) 2x Sterboi catfish (around an inch) 1 Lonely tetra 1 Large, angry Male Angel Fish (All black,looks quite cool) 2 Bristelnose (which breed) 1 Lonely loach. I did have other things such as, eels, another loach, more tetra, 2 discus, and a few (I'm not sure what they are, but they are like 5 for $15 at every fish store, al sorts of colours, and usually not very long). I am not after any of what I have had. I love the eartheaters, but need some colour in the tank, so I would like suggestions for fish that grow around 6-7 inches, and are colourful, but NOT angry. I will not be buying more of or replacing the tetra, loach or Angel fish. I have been suggested Blue Dempsey, does anyone else have any ideas? After something different but cool, would like to get around 4 of them. Thanks, Mike
  4. newaqua

    Tank mates

    How about some surinamensis?
  5. newaqua

    Tank mates

    Hi guys, would like afew suggestions on some tank mates I have... 6x Jurupari Eartheaters, 6x Albino Catfish 2x Sterbi Catfish 2x Small Discus 1x Large Male Angelfish 2x Penguin Tetra Sounds a weird bunch...and it is. Im focusing on the Eartheaters (love them), and would like some fish similar in size, and temprement, but with more colour. I was thinking more along the lines of Blue Dempsey? Any ideas? Thanks ahead of time. Mike
  6. Hey Guys, I have some bristlenose eggs that I need to move, (or theyll get eaten!). They are attached to a piece of wood. Any suggestions on how to uplift them from the wood? I havent tried to move them yet, are they usually stuck quite well? I was thinking a tea spoon to dislodge them??? Thanks Mike
  7. Yea, thats one aspect (the amount of gear heat) that I had not considered. However with using natural sunlight, (from what I have read) (and even if its going to be possible) the heat should be less. However, using the heat exchanger that they have explained to me, it should be able to cool it somewhat aswell, (as it can add cooler water into the exchanger, instead of cold (if need be)). Also, on the lighting note, has anyone had anymore ideas/thoughts on using natural lighting? Thanks Mike
  8. Yea, using sunlight for heat will work, (more in summer at least), thats the idea of having a 'holding barrel' in which the temperature is stable. It could work much like a hot water system does in your house, letting hot water enter (from the solar) when its to cold, and letting cold water enter (from mains) when its too hot. Hence, trying to keep the 'holding barrel' at the same temperature, should help to keep the tank at the same temperature. The idea of the holding barrel is to try to protect against the fluctuations in temperature, where here in Canterbruy, are massive from winter to summer. All of my friends who have larger tanks 500L+, dont seem to have issues with over heating in the summer, if anything the larger the tank, they seem to get less temperature fluctuations. What do you think?
  9. Thanks for the reply. I think that in the long run, (over 2 or 3 years) the heat echanger will most definatley be cost efficient. The size of the tank I'm looking at is at least 1000L. So its going to require alot of modifications in the roof (for light - at this stage) and the exchange unit will be right beside the tank. Having a tank this large is a commitment, hence i'm not worried about modifiying the house (we built it for a start!). I have a 200W heater, and It just keeps up with a 220L tank. Hence I'm going to need at least 1Kw of heating, this is a heap! Hence over the long run, a pump should be cheaper. Also with my current tank at 220L, i experience a 2 degree increase in the hotest summer days. Hence, a larger body of water, should take longer to heat up due to the weather in the summer, so I'm not to worried about cooling at this stage. What do you think? Thanks for your thoughts, Mike.
  10. Hey Guys, sorry, I should have been a bit more clear, the tank will be tropical marine, and Im in Christchurch, so as far as heating goes, i will have more issues with keeping it warmer, than cooler, from what I can tell. The solar heating guys reckon to make a basic heat exchanger for a system like this to... Get a barrel, or small water holding tank, not clear, to stop algae etc. Inside this, you run thin walled, plastic piping, a reasonable length, with one end the return to the tank, and run the other to the ouput of a pump running in the aquarium, so no water is going into the barrel (from the aquarium) just passing through the tank. Then... The barrel, or small water holding tank, is filled with water from the solar unit, between the solar unit and the barrel is a thermostat, either electrical or manual, which will control the temperature inside the barrel, if it gets to cold, hotter water is allowed in from the solar unit. The excess water from this tank can be recycled back into the solar system. This is the basic way of explaining it, but I think it gets the message accross. It obviously depends on the length of pipe in the barrel and the aquarium temp, solar temp and external temp as to how efficent the setup would be. Awesome to see the replies above on lighting. As I said earlier, the more ideas the better! Thanks, Mike
  11. Hi Everyone. I like the fact that the 'aqua' hobby is a DIY hobby, hence I would like to start a discussion on Sun Light. I am currently finding as much info as I can about marine tanks, I will (this time next year) be setting one up. I plan to do it properly the first time, and hopefully not run into to many issues, hopefully around 1000L or so. By planning it, I am hoping to be able to deal with the main running costs (heating & lighting) before I begin. As far as heating goes, I have a solar heat exchange system sorted, that a friend (who installs solar heating) has helped me with. Lighting on the other hand is a different story... I have found many discussions on the internet with regard to Sun Light. However, they all seem to say its bad for the tank, rather than good. Ideas such as, the light intensity can burn the fish, its to variant over the seasons etc etc. I was thinking of installing a unit that directs light from the roof, (http://www.google.co.nz/images?um=1&hl= ... =&aql=&oq=) through an opening, and 'funnelling it to the tank'. Using this system, we would also run into the issue of variations in the light throughout the seasons. To try to ammend this issue, normal marine aquarium lights could be installed, to try to smooth out the fluctuations in light. Could this work? Obviously the idea is to use the light from the roof, and 'send' it to the tank. What are your thoughts? As I say this is just an idea, and I would be greatful for people to let me know their thoughts on it, or any other systems they have designed to make use of the light from the roof. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Mike.
  12. Hello All. Does anybody know if there are Zebra Snails available in New Zealand? If so, where from? Thanks guys.
  13. newaqua

    Lion Fish

    Hey all, Was talking to a mate the other day about lion fish. He seemed to think that they are allowed to be imported into New Zealand, however I thought they were not allowed in. Does anyone have any ideas on this? Thanks Guys!
  14. Hello Everyone. A quick question with reagrd to water volume (litres) to water surface area open to air. Is there a general ratio for this? i.e, 200 litres, 1sq/m open to air? Is it different between marine and freshwater? Thanks Mike
  15. Thanks guys, as far as too big - i mean nothing much over 30 cm.
  16. Hello All. Wondering if anyone has some good suggestions of freshwater, tropical eels? Im after a type that doesnt grow to big - but am finding it hard to come accross anything at the moment. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, Mike.
  17. Hey all, Looking at building my own tank, 270L, 1.2m long, 600mm wide and 400mm high. Have never made one before, would like to know if anyone in North Canterbury has any experience in making tanks, and if so, would be willing to have a chat, and show me whats what, and prehaps give me some pointers, on fixing to my frame, bracing etc. Thanks Mike
  18. Hello Everyone. Trying to find someone who knows what they are doing with glass tanks. I would like to build my own, but know not enough to undertake it at the moment. The tank needs to be 1.2m long 600mm wide with a water depth of 450mm. I have been told 8mm glass? Either way, I would have more confidence if someone knew of anyone in Christchurch that builds tanks, and dont charge an arm and a leg for it. If you could let me know or help me out, I would be very greatful. Thanks Mike
  19. Hey Guys, Maybe you could shed a little light on euro bracing? Thanks Mike
  20. Hey Guys. Wanting to know what you think about glass thickness. (I cant seemt o find many people doing it professionally). I am building a tank, 1.2m long, 40cm deep, and 60cm wide. Going by these calculations it will hold about 280L. It is fully braced under neath with grid steel work. Any idea on thickness of this glass? Looking on the only webstie I can find should be about 6mm? Any ideas? Thanks for your time...again... Mike
  21. newaqua

    Sump Tank

    Hello. As you may be able to tell by my name, and the question I am going to ask, I'm new, but i figure this is the best place to ask... what is a sump tank? And why do some tanks need them, while others dont? Thanks Mike
  22. Hey guys, looking at building a bigger tank. Wanting to know if anyone can give me an approximate cost of running a heater for a tank say 350L to 400L. I am mainly worried about the cost of heating, as lighting and filtration, do not require or use the same amount of power. If you could help I would be greratful. Just power cost is all I am worried about. Thanks Mike
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