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Everything posted by newaqua

  1. Thanks Sam. I know the aquarium is very small. Thats why I am looking to only put a couple of fish in it. I am looking at dwarf puffers at the moment. On a side note, (I don't plan on putting these in the 19L Chi) how common are figure 8 puffers these days? I have not seen any around for a long time? Thought I may be able to get one for my larger tank.
  2. Are there any cleaning type fish I could put in here. I'm guessing a bristle-nose would not go well with them?
  3. Hey Everyone. I am looking at getting a small Chi (19L) for the office desk. I was wanting to put some Cichlids in it, as they are to aggressive for my home tank, I thought I could have some for my office instead. I know the Chi 19L is small, however I was only thinking of having 2 or three fish. I really like the look of the Demasoni Cichlids, but I am thinking the tank will be to small for them. I also like the look of Auratus Cichlid. Does anyone have any ideas about what would suit this small aquarium? I am after something that is small, looks good and has a bit of attitude. Cheers
  4. Any other ideas here anyone? Most of us would have had to start someway or another????
  5. Starting Dry Rock. Hello everyone. I have a new tank setup that I have been working on for quite some time. And I am now ready to begin my rock. I have about 15 kg of rock for my 140L setup (includes the sump). I have heard different ways of starting the rock. One being flush the rock first. By placing in a bucket and changing the water every day. Then, after a couple of weeks, leave the water in, and check the ammonia level and nitrite levels, if there is none, then its ready to be placed in the tank. Another I have heard, is curing it in the tank straight away, without sand, as this way, the waste will come from the rock and litter the bottom of the tank. After a while, once the levels settle down, you can then begin to add fish. So what way is best? Does anyone else have another way of doing it? The rock I have has been out for years, and will need a good clean anyway. Like I said, this is a new tank setup, I am not adding rock to an existing setup. Ideas??
  6. newaqua

    LED Lights

    Hello Everyone Just a quick question with regard to LED lights. I have a couple of 50L Blueplanet Tanks (I know, but they are basically just the glass and hood now) I am wanting to place an LED panel in the hood. The max size they can be is 400mmx200mm Any ideas? I cant find any manufactures that have them. Cheers.
  7. Sorry guys, I am simply talking about domestic flying in NZ. The contacts can get them to Auckland for me, through all the approved people/places/maf etc. I am simply wanting to fly them, rather than leave them with the couriers.
  8. I dont have one specific type of fish, however they will be the expensive plecs; zebras etc, and some other rare plec breeds I could be looking at bringing in from contacts I made while I was abroad. Cheers
  9. Sorry, I forgot to mention, fish, of the expensive(ish) variety (upwards of $500)
  10. Hello Everyone. Does anyone have ideas about which airline,and how to contact to arrange flying pets. First of all, i have read that it is fish-safe, but AirNZ and JetStar don't seem to know. Ideas?
  11. This is to cover up the sump. I dont have anything at the moment. It is not the front of the tank.
  12. Hello All. I am trying to cover the front of my sump. I am thinking a 3mm sheet of hard, matt black, plastic sheet. Does anyone know of where I can get something like this from? I have tried contacting plastic suppliers but to no avail. Needs to be 800mm*680mm. I would prefer plastic, as wood tends to absorb water over time. Any ideas?
  13. How/What do you normally dip new corals in?
  14. inside of tank. i would have thought that someone would have product for this, like the windscreen stuff, type thing.
  15. Hello All, Any ideas on filling scratches in glass? I have a few on one of my tanks, and was wondering if there is anything you can get that 'fills' them. Ideas?
  16. Yea, that does not quite do it - nothing comes out of it. When I first got it, it was like that, and all the green and brown "crap" came out of it. Now, its like its clogged inside it, rather than just on the outside. If I do as you suggested, I have to do it once a day. When it was new, I didnt have to do it for about 3 weeks at a time. Its obviously clogged, I was just wanting to know if anyone has any flash ideas about how to really give it a proper good clean out.
  17. Hello everyone, Does anyone have ideas about how to clean a very very fine cylinder filter sponge? I have tried boiling it, and rinsing it. Are these, use once type things or not? This is very similar to the one I have - im not using it in its initial application, but it is still filtering. http://www.aquarist-classifieds.co.uk/s ... 89373.html Thanks
  18. Hi All. I know this is a freshwater forum, but I would suggest anyone in Christchurch to pop into the "Living Reef" store in Christchurch, I went in the other day and it is MIND BLOWING to say the least, and might (like it has me) make you want to have a marine tank! I wont be leaving my freshwater tank, but this is defiantly food for thought for any fish keeper, freshwater or marine. I seriously suggest to go and see his main display tank, incredible is the only way I can describe it.
  19. Hello All. I don't know whether we are meant to give 'plugs' for places here, but have many people been to "Living Reef" in CHCH? I don't even have my marine up and going yet, but went in the other day for a look. The tank you first walk into in the store is absolutely incredible, by far the most advanced coral I have ever seen in a private tank. Further in the shop, he has coral, and a wall that will shortly be full of fish. I would seriously suggest for anyone to go and have a look, it is incredible, and awesome to see this kind of specialist shop in Christchurch. Please make sure you support him! I don't want to finish my marine tank and have him disappear! I wish him well in his venture! Has anyone been in?
  20. Hey All, Does anyone here use the fly sprays that you sit up high, and they spray from a large canister, automatically, getting rid of flies? We have a huge amount of flies this year, for some reason, you could count 50 in the lounge alone. I have heard that you are not ment to use them due to fish tanks being around. Does anyone use them, and have a fish tank in the same room? Any problems?
  21. Hey All. Quick question with regard to sand. Does anyone use crushed shells as sand? I have alot of Paua and Scallop shells here, and was thinking of using them as a substrate. Any ideas? Would they be too sharp for the fish? Would they alter the water chemistry too much?
  22. Hey all. Just wondering if anyone puts rusty objects in their tanks. I have an old, very rusty crescent here (it has been sitting in my dads fishing boat for years). Any ideas if it would do anything to the tank?
  23. newaqua

    Coral Rock

    Any ideas about rock 'filling up' over time???
  24. newaqua


    Hi Everyone. Just wanting to know if anyone knows of where you can get a background that is: Blue on side, Black the other, And at least 700mm wide. I have asked the aquarium shops, but apparently they are not supplied this large anymore. Any ideas?
  25. This issue here is its size. Its for a drinking water tank, not to fit in a sump. I am struggling for room in my sump, and this is simply too big - thanks thou.
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