Starting Dry Rock.
Hello everyone. I have a new tank setup that I have been working on for quite some time. And I am now ready to begin my rock.
I have about 15 kg of rock for my 140L setup (includes the sump).
I have heard different ways of starting the rock.
One being flush the rock first. By placing in a bucket and changing the water every day. Then, after a couple of weeks, leave the water in, and check the ammonia level and nitrite levels, if there is none, then its ready to be placed in the tank.
Another I have heard, is curing it in the tank straight away, without sand, as this way, the waste will come from the rock and litter the bottom of the tank. After a while, once the levels settle down, you can then begin to add fish.
So what way is best? Does anyone else have another way of doing it? The rock I have has been out for years, and will need a good clean anyway. Like I said, this is a new tank setup, I am not adding rock to an existing setup.