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scales & tails fishfa

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Everything posted by scales & tails fishfa

  1. Hi there I want to renovate my snake-necked turtle's tank. It's currently very plain and I want to turn it into a natural swamp like environment. I have sussed out everything except for the substrate. I want it to look muddy and clayish, like the bottom of a swamp pool, but don't know how to get that kind of effect. I've thought of getting some natural clay from a river bank, but all the ones I've gone to I tested the water and it's either not good at ALL or there is a high chance of pesticides, fertilizers ect. Also I'm not sure how I would clean it from soil and stuff. I also thought of mixing some gravel, sand and artists clay but I don't think that the clay will work. Any ideas???? :roll:
  2. Hi there I have been breeding siamese fighters and have bought this lovely bi-colour halfmoon pair. Only problem is that the male embraces the female but then eats all the eggs instead of blowing them out into the nest. The female is no help either, she eats all the eggs left behind, but I know that is normal. I thought about "adopting" the eggs with another dad that is currently taking care of new eggs, but I really want the "egg-eating dad" to fertilize them (which he doesn't do) and the adopting dad would probably eat them 'cause their not fertilized. I really want babies from these egg-eating bi-colours, but what can I do? Also does anyone have any female neon dwarf gouramis?
  3. Hi there What types of fancy goldfish are avalible in new zealand? Also what variantions of moors? Can you get panda moors?
  4. So can you not even have the colorful fancy ones in your pond? Are there any wild ones? Are they colourful to? Where are they? Can you keep them?
  5. Hi there. Sorry if this is a bit of a dumb question but I haven't had any time to research this yet, the thought just came into my mind. I have only worked in marine and tropical and (for now anyway) I'm totally clueless on cold water. :oops: I'm thinking of starting a koi pond. Where would I be able to get some nice kois? I don't ever recall seeing them at the aquarium shops I've been to (HWFF, Pupuke, Animates). Is anyone out there a breeder?
  6. No copper pipes. Just a sponge filter with some active carbon that had been washed out properly. I've left the puffer thought for now though. I have cleared it out whilst I cycle my marine tank again as it has had major problems and now the small "puffer to be hopefully" tank is housing some corals. They're all perfectly happy in the tank. Oh well. Try again in a few months. :roll:
  7. Lucky Me! I live 10 meters from a stream packed with billions of small mosquito fish and other types of pest fish! My turtle is always FAT! :lol:
  8. Hi there. Still don't know whats wrong. I checked the back of all the products I used and theres no copper in the products. These are freshwater puffers. Amonia, nitrite and nitrate where zero according to a few tests. The ph was 7. There were no other fish in the tank. There was some new stones, gravel, bogwood and plants that I bought from HollyWood Fish Farm and washed well. The tank had matured. PLEASE HELP ME?!
  9. Me ticked off ----> l:( I set up this small tank thats about 20-25 liters. It had matured by letting it cycle through and having various fish in it over a month. I checked all the ph, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and it was all fine. I added a bit of aquarium antiseptics, like stress guard, every now and then...... IT WAS ALL PERFECT!!!!! :evil: I removed all the fish that were in there, had it cleaned and bought a dwarf puffer. I was perfectly healthy when I got it. I acclimatised it over an hour and set it in my aquarium. After an hour I came back to feed him some blood worms and he was floating at the top dead, covered in white, gluey looking stuff. After a week I bought another puffer from a different source and the same thing happened and I tried a 3erd time and it happend again. What is happening!? I really like dwarf puffers and want to have one. In the tank there are no other fish. The equipment is all safe. I it is some bog wood, a few small snails ( puffers eat them) and lots of plants. Please help. My birthday is coming up in a week or so and I want another puffer for my birthday, but I want him to live!!!!
  10. Hi guys. I want to start up a daphnia culture for my Betta fry. I read up that you need to make green water by adding grass clippings into a bucket of aqaurium water and leaving it in the sun or direct light for ages and have a few bucket goin at one time. I heard that you need areation with them. Is it true? I also heard that it's possible to just keep them in an aquarium with new born fry and the daphnias will eat all the left over foods, algeas and bacterias and then the fry will just eat them when their big enough. Is that also true. Sounds a little odd to me. Also does anybody know where I can get them? Either from someone who already has some or if anyone knows a pond/lake where there are some. I live in Birkenhead, North Shore, Auckland. Thanks 8)
  11. Hello again. Sorry no photo. My camara can't go underwater. Hi Cookie extreme. This coral sound "similar" to the shape but denfinatly not the colour. To my memory it wasn't covered in poylps. Only clusters of them at the end of the branches ( much like a kenya tree leather ). So the alge in the "skin" of the coral would turn white and not just around the poylp areas. There was absolutly no sign of white before frighting the coral. Then again this is my memory. Can't always rely on it. :oops: I will contact my dive instructor and see if she can get a few photos. Mind you, she lives in fiji and doesn't have the best of internet.... :lol: Thanks for all your effort in helping me discover the identity of this "body between the chalk lines"!
  12. Hi there, On Monday the 20th I went for my first dive ever. It was awesome and we saw a heap of cool things but that is a different story. One thing that my dive instructor showed me was a coral. It was a large ( about the length of an arm ) soft coral that was a dark maroon-brown colour. The amazing thing was that if you touch it or sweap a current over it, it instanly ( and I really do mean instantly ) turned completly white!!!!!! And about 30 seconds later it would instanly turn back into it's maroony-brown colour! We have a few theories on WHY it may do this, but we can't find WHAT it is in any books or on the internet. Have you guys ever heard of it? Could this be an intirely new species? :-? The dive was 12 meters deep, 28 degrees celcious (awesome ), about 800m of the coast of Matamanoa Island, Fiji. There were about 5 of these corals bunched up together and we only saw the in that one spot, no were else! Danny
  13. aquarium I'm on a roll .......
  14. I gave my turtle an easter treat yesterday. It was a raw de-shelled prawn. I had to clean his tank today because he had a ball ripping it to sheads.
  15. Could someone please tell me what that stuff in the water was? Poo or soil.... Also is that the usual amount of water to transport a fish over seas with?
  16. Hey twinkles, There is a guy on tm called david(with 4 random numbers) . He breeds all his stock of real pretty HM. There are also 2 other guys but I don't know their names. Is it normal to transport fish overseas in such little water? Some fighters were posted to me from the wiakato and they came in quite a bit more water....
  17. Hello everyone. Well today was very irritating. I was craving a good steak and cheese pie so at lunch I ate one. But the entire day all I heard/saw was pie. I would hear the word pie ( or pie related words ) every where. So now I've created a place where you can type a phrase that you have been dying to say all day , month, year or life. Let me start..... I LIKE PIE!
  18. Gender : female Name : Danny ( Dainelle ) Age : What has this got to do with your F vs. M ratio? 13 State : Single
  19. Sad Face Those were awsome HMs. I never knew u could usanage a fish. When they stabbed the needle into the bag and pulled it out, wouldn't the bag deflate and make water spill everywhere? Was that soil in the bag or poo or something?
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