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Posts posted by Wok

  1. what Caryl Said

    What needs to be done is that you take note of the date you see the fish free swimming. after 30 days, you get another Federation to sight the fish and fill in the breeding form. you then have 30 days to get the forms to me to be eligible, If I get the forms after 60 days from the fish hatching, then the entry is inelligible to be entered into the competition, but you do still get a certificate.

    It is always a good idea to let me know that you have managed to grow the fish for 30 days, then I can make sure that your entry is eligible, even if the form arrives after 60 days.

    I know how busy some breeding coordinators can be.

  2. The problem with Air New Zealand, is if you tell them you have fish, they will have a fit.

    The only people you need to worry about is the security guys.

    I have always taken the fish out of my carry on bag and asked politely to the security that they do not put the fish through the xray machine. They have all said ok, and there is always one that asks, what fish are they and how easy to look after.

  3. Right. Lost the first lot of fry and currently on my second lot.

    this time I can see the fry, last time I did not see them at all.

    Now, the true test is in regards to trying to raise the lot. but I have another 2 Golden Saum in the tank as well as GBA and little tiger plecs.

    fingers crossed this time, and regular water changes. heaps of plants in the tank too, but if Mr and Mrs Saum keep digging them up, there won't be.

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