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Posts posted by Wok

  1. They look awesome Calculator

    There isn't really much you need to do, just keep the parents well fed

    Feeding the parents flake food helps as the parents would be able to munch up the flake and disperse it over the fry

    The parents are very protective of the fry, so other fish need to watch out.

    Keep the water changes happening

  2. Alanmin4304, I don't have any killies at the moment, all of them died of old age... :(

    and the Killie club, sucks, so have no intention of getting any killies again until there are big changes in the executive.

    If I did have them, I would offer them, all imsmith would have to pay is the courier.

  3. As you are in wellington, There is someone selling trio's of Golden Australe regularly on TM.

    If you were after different species, I will have pairs of Chocolate Australe ready in a few weeks.

    If you were willing to wait longer, I also have Blue gardneri hatching at the moment.

    I don't keep striatum though sorry, as they don't do much for me. But Redwoods has some/will have some shortly if you are willing to pay for courier. I can ask another breeder I know of if he has any Striatum.

    Great work Aaron, I love the chocolate Australe, have you bred out the jumping gene in your killies?

    I did.

    Imsmith, as Calculator has said, there is no silly questions about fish. everyone here is still learning.

    Any mop spawner will do well in your tank, the Australes that Aaron has mentioned will love your planted tank, the more dense the plants, especially floating plants the better, as the Australes love to spawn in mops or dense root clusters. It won't take long for the frish to breed for you either, just keep feeding the parents well.

    Enjoy :cofn:

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