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Posts posted by Wok

  1. Right... this is for all those that would like to take fish with them on Planes


    previously i have taken fish on planes as carry on luggage and just passed the bag to security so it doesn't get scanned and they give it back..... simple, no problems.

    However this time security gave it to Air NZ personnel to see if it was ok.... they said NO. they even rang someone higher up and they said NO

    So end of story, poor fish was flushed. &c:ry

  2. anyone can set up an online meeting.

    you can use skype, viber, or some other means to set one up.

    I believe that the forum administrators are looking at having a chat forum set up on this site.

    What ej is talking about is the online NZKA meeting,

  3. Since there is still some interest in the NZKA staying alive.

    I volunteer to take lead and organise an online AGM to happen in on either Saturday or Sunday online

    ej, can you email me the current list of members, and I will email them.

    For all others interested, keep an eye on the FNZAS Clubs Section for date and time.



  4. Right.

    I am really annoyed with the current executive, there has been no correspondence from them at all. And they are the ones that want everything done as per the constitution.

    I recommend that they be dumped and a new online meeting be held to get a new group of people to run the club properly.

    Who is interested to get the club up and running again.

    If there is not any interest, then I recommend that the club be put into recess.


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